Keeping Deep Connections

Jim Leffel
Romans 12:9-21

With hope and confidence, Romans 12 addresses a very similar situation that our world is confronted with today. The world is isolated and fragmented for different reasons today than it was in Paul's day but the solution is the same; build social bonds with genuine love and without hypocrisy. The Body of Christ is uniquely equipped to offer a powerful solution to the craziness of the present times.

The Importance of Patience

Ryan Lowery
James 5:7-11

As James has demonstrated through his book, the world in which we live can prove unfair and harsh for believers in Jesus, but a mature Christian has learned to be patient in the midst of difficulty. James offers that someday Jesus will return, and the world will be put right. We should cling to that promise as our only true hope, and should wait patiently for now, engaging in the good works that will draw people to God, the only source of true good. We should also speak truthfully about God, even if we encounter opposition.

Joy and Suffering

Patty Young
James 1:2-8

Even though it is disheartening to hear as Christians, we will experience various trial, it is also true we can experience joy in the midst of difficult times. James is telling us the key is where we place our focus. By making a deliberate choice to focus on the attributes of God, His character, His promises, His faithfulness, we will experience joy in the middle of suffering.

Reversing the Curse

Scott Risley
Mark 5:21-43

In God's original perfect creation, humans were never meant to get sick or die. But death and disease have long ravaged the human race as part of the curse on this fallen world. One day God will do away with death and illness, and in Mark 5 Jesus shows his power over both of them.

God's Plan

Ben Foust
Ephesians 3:1-13

Paul continues unfolding the ?riches of Christ,? revealing a key for enduring trials: understanding God's incredible plan and the privilege of the role we play in it. God has a comprehensive plan to redeem, and it is at work right in the midst of our problems. When we comprehend this, we can face trials with bold confidence.

Fear, Uncertainty, and Hope

Conrad Hilario
Psalms 23:1-6

Crisis brings biblical passages to life. Many are living in fear and uncertainty, as the pandemic threatens and disrupts our lives. It is a good time to reflect on a familiar passage--Psalm 23--and hear what it says about fear, uncertainty, and hope.

Perseverance in the Face of Trial

Conrad Hilario
Job 1-42

James urges his readers to be patient in the face of suffering, citing Job as an example of someone who persevered and was blessed. Perseverance during trials requires faith that God will never leave us and can bring about good from our circumstances, even though we may never get a reason for our suffering. We can trust that God is at work in ways we cannot see and is always good and faithful.

Mature Suffering

Ryan Lowery
James 1:1-12

James urges his readers to persevere through suffering and even consider it joy. He elaborates that we can have joy in trials because we know that God promises to use it for our growth and that suffering can bring us near to God in a way nothing else can. Principles for mature suffering are still just as applicable for Christians today and include considering it joy, knowing that God can bring good from it, asking God honest questions, and enduring in faith.

Spiritual Growth under Trial

Dennis McCallum
James 1:1-8

Spiritual growth under trial takes a believer from the point of having begun a relationship with God to the level of a mature, strong follower who God can use in advancing His plan in the world. A believer who lives out James' teaching will be able to actively practice gratitude in the midst of trials, gradually become incredibly stable, be shaped by brokenness so God can use him more, and become wise.