Lessons from the Life of Joseph

Mike Sullivan
Genesis 37-50

Joseph is sold by his jealous brothers into slavery in Egypt where he spends many years in prison for a crime he did not commit. Afterward, he rises to a top leadership position and is instrumental in saving not only many Egyptians, but his own family from a famine. From the story of Joseph and his brothers, we see that God has a plan for our life and is working to accomplish His goals, even though we may not see it from our limited perspective. We are challenged to act in faith and trust in God's promises, even in the midst of unanswered questions and suffering.

The Story of Joseph

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 37-50

An overview of the life of Joseph--an incredible story of favoritism by Jacob, hatred, cruelty, deception, and guilt by his half-brothers, as well as faithfulness, perseverance, obedience, and forgiveness by Joseph. Like many of us, Joseph was victimized by many people, but he did not succumb to a victim mentality because he trusted in God's loving sovereignty. He was able to thrive in spite of ill-treatment and adversity and we can, too, through God's help.

Walking with God through Suffering

James Rochford
James 1:1-11

James encourages the church to consider it joy when we face suffering. Not that we should be happy about our suffering, but rather times of suffering serve to test and refine our faith and can grow our character in ways not possible otherwise. However, in order to experience God's comfort and growth during suffering, we must have a mind to stand firm in faith during suffering and trust that God is at work.

No Pain, No Gain

Scott Risley
James 1:1-12

James encourages the church to consider it joy when we face suffering. Not that we should be happy about our suffering, but rather times of suffering serve to test and refine our faith and can grow our character in ways not possible otherwise. However, in order to experience God's comfort and growth during suffering, we must have a mind to stand firm in faith during suffering and trust that God is at work.

Our Safe Place

Scott Risley
Psalms 31

In this Psalm, David writes of how God is his hiding place when he is surrounded by enemies. When we face suffering, we often wonder why God allows it, but such times are an opportunity for us to pray to God as David did and experience what it means for God to be our safe place, which is difficult to understand when life is easy. The result can be a deeper understanding of God and a more intimate relationship with him.

The Summit of Abraham's Faith

Mike Sullivan
Genesis 22:1-17

Abraham's faith is tested when God asks him to sacrifice his son Isaac. Abraham obeys, but just before he goes through with it God provides a substitute ram to die in Isaac's place. This event foreshadows that Jesus would be sacrificed as a substitute for us. From Abraham's story we learn that God sometimes tests our faith, often by asking us to give up something we value highly, which can purify and strengthen our faith.

God Is Our Fortress

Chris Hearty
Psalms 46

Psalm 46 reflects on God's faithfulness during a time of great danger and challenge, and on His power and love. God is a refuge, a river of nourishment, and a ruler who leads us, and is the only true source of security in this world. Jesus is the path to enjoying God as our fortress.

The Sovereignty of God

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 4:7-12

This is a famous passage about our suffering and God's sovereignty. What we often get wrong and misunderstand about this passage is explained as well as what God actually promises regarding suffering. The good news for Christians is that ultimately, victory is assured!

God's Discipline

Ryan Lowery
Hebrews 12:1-13

The author of Hebrews discusses suffering and how God can use suffering to discipline us like a good parent disciplines a child. It is a mark of our sonship and God often uses suffering to hone our character or make us more dependent on Him. There is no avoiding suffering in this life, but our response can either allow God to use our pain to grow us and help others, or cause us to become bitter, self-centered, and alienated.