Living Hope

Ben Foust
1 Peter 1:1-12

Peter writes to Christians scattered throughout the Roman empire and facing persecution. He urges them to put their hope in their future eternal inheritance. Christians today should have a mindset of being "resident aliens" on earth, whose true citizenship is in heaven, resulting in a refined faith.

Jesus' Provision for Our Deepest Needs: A Real Encounter with God

Mike Sullivan
1 Peter 1:1-12

Jesus' miracles demonstrate not only that he is the Son of God as he claimed, but also that he cares about the plight of people and that he has the power to meet our deepest needs.

God over All--Including Our Failures

Mike Woods
1 Peter 1:1-12

Many important figures in the Bible experience failure and we can learn from their responses. In this teaching, different types of failure and different responses to them are discussed. Failure leads us to decide to depend on God or not. Learning God's Will helps us reconsider our definition of success.

Applying Isaiah's Anonymous Servant Passages

Gary DeLashmutt
Isaiah 53

Many Christians are aware that Isaiah 42, 49, 50, and 53 predict Jesus' first coming. Few realize, however, that the New Testament also applies these passages to Jesus' followers. This workshop explores these applications so that believers can become more effective servants of the Servant.\r\n

Christ over Illness

Dave Schutter
Isaiah 53

Thinking Biblically about Christ's lordship over illness can help us to walk victoriously through our own illness and to pastor others dealing with illness. Through healing miracles during his earthly ministry, Jesus demonstrated his lordship over illness and death in order to validate his mission. His authority over physical illness affirms his authority over spiritual illness and his ability to heal us of our deepest problems. Practically this means four things: that a diagnosis is not one's destiny; a disease is not one's identity; suffering is not wasted; and physical demise is not eternal.

Battling Discouragement in Ministry

Doug O'Malley
Isaiah 53

A life dedicated to ministry requires perseverance. There are times of discouragement, deep pain, and failure. Whether it is seeing friends say no to God or facing our own personal weaknesses and failure, doing ministry is tough. How do we face setbacks and discouragement in ministry faithfully? How can we learn not to give up during times of discouragement but actually thrive and grow?

The Eternal Weight of Glory

Gary DeLashmutt
Isaiah 53

The Christian life is described in the Bible as one which requires perseverance in a spiritual war. Gary DeLashmutt examines the connection between the eternal life and the endurance required in the Christian life. By increasingly anticipating life in Heaven with God, the current issues of this life are not eliminated, but put in proper perspective.

The Results of our Justification

Conrad Hilario
Romans 5:1-11

Paul outlines several results of our justification, including peace, hope, perseverance, and the ability to rejoice, even in suffering.

From Suffering to Glory

Chris Risley
Romans 8:14-39

Paul explains that God uses suffering in the life of the Christian to break away the outer man so that the Spirit can shine through us. Though unpleasant, when we take a godly perspective on suffering and draw near to God in trust and humility, he can use suffering to refine our character and make us more effective in ministry.