Dealing With Failure

Scott Risley
1 Peter 5:2-4

When Christians fail, it is easy to believe that God has abandoned them or will punish them for their mistakes. The example of Peter's failure, however, demonstrates that God is gracious towards us and can even use our failures for good, and those who choose to accept the second chance God gives them can become more effective servants for Him.

The Great Tribulation

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 15:5-16:21

During the period of The Great Tribulation, God is involved in an extraordinary way to both judge and redeem. God judges directly to rescue his creation by destroying hardened enemies, yet often also judges indirectly to demonstrate the folly of rebellion in hopes that some will turn back. During the time of The Great Tribulation, God judges directly while taking a multitude of actions to plead with people to turn back to Him.

The Cross

Dennis McCallum
John 19:1-30

The most important event in history happened when Jesus Christ went to the cross to take on God's judgment for sin Himself so that all people could have forgiveness and eternal life if they accept Jesus' payment for our sins. What Jesus underwent was not only physical torment through beatings, a crown of thorns around his head and crucifixion; but psychological and spiritual torment as well by enduring the wrath of God to pay for all human sin. Choosing to make a decision concerning Jesus' offer of forgiveness through the cross is the most important decision a person can make.

Victorious Living in a Hostile World

Scott Risley
John 15:18-16:33

Jesus talked to his disciples about how to live victoriously in a hostile world designed by Satan and opposed to God. He told them that non-Christ followers will hate them because they hated him. These people hate because they know they are wrong. Living for Christ will involve suffering, but the Holy Spirit is always with us. In light of eternity the pain won't last very long, and the Father will give us whatever we ask according to His will because Jesus has overcome the world.\r\n

Following Jesus' Example

Ryan Lowery
Philippians 1:27-2:13

Once we have received the gospel, we are called to live lives that reflect what God has done in our life. The apostle Paul advocates this to the church of Philippi. Paul highlights three aspects of understanding God's love: 1) Placing a high value on unity with other Christians; 2) God is sovereign; and 3) God's love includes letting us suffer. Rather than shy away from, God calls us to draw close to Him and one another as we try and emulate Jesus' love and humility in our lives.

True Greatness

Scott Risley
John 12:12-43

Jesus comes to Jerusalem and predicts his death. He was not the king people expected. Despite observing the miraculous signs Jesus performed throughout his ministry, many didn't believe and some were too afraid to admit they did believe. Jesus suffered and died so humanity could have life. His followers are to imitate his example to be truly great.

Suffering with God's Perspective

Ryan Lowery
Philippians 1:1-30

As the apostle Paul begins his letter, he communicates an eternal perspective amidst severe suffering and imprisonment. Paul actively takes six steps to cultivate this perspective: 1) thanksgiving for past blessings; 2) confidence in God's work continuing; 3) remembering that he was not alone in God's work; 4) seeing his suffering in context of God's larger plan; 5) keeping his priorities in order; and 6) keeping a focus on eternity.

Introduction to Philippians

Ryan Lowery
2 Corinthians 8:1-5

Paul's letter to the Philippian church was written around 62 AD while Paul was under house arrest. Paul had received the Philippians' donation and heard about their suffering. Throughout the letter, Paul encouraged the church to persevere and view their suffering in light of what God is doing and exhort them to not give up. We can still choose to rejoice amidst difficult circumstances.

Keeping your Spiritual Edge

John Cleary
Romans 12:2

Many Christians today forget about an imperative spiritual truth littered across the pages of Scripture, that we are in a spiritual battle! In order to stay alert, effective, and engaged in this battle we must first recognize the reality of its existence and our call to fight. Because of this, we should not be surprised when we experience suffering, but rather, should prepare proactively. One way to do this is to develop a "combat field manual," a journal in which we record key verses and truths to keep ourselves on track in this mission.