Getting Ready for the Climax of Human History

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 5:1-10

Jesus explains to his disciples the signs that are "birth pains" before the end of human history. He describes the presence of false teachers that will come in his name and wars, famines, earthquakes and nations will be against other nations. He warns his disciples that there will be intense persecution against Christians, that many will walk away from the faith and love will grow cold, but that the gospel will be preached to the whole world. From Jesus' words, it's clear that the end of human history will be categorized by events on multiple fronts, including: 1) theological; 2) sociological; 3) ecological; 4) technological; and 5) political. As we await the return of Jesus Christ, the call for Christians is one of anticipation and sobriety as we look forward to being with Jesus forever.

The Pain of God's Hiddenness

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 42:1-11

What is this pain of God's hiddenness? Is it God abandoning us to leave us on our own through troubling times? No! Those are the lies of Satan who actively tries to accuse us and put lies about God on our mind. In fact, this is a pain that every believer may go through in their life and often it is caused by our own choices. We have two ways we can respond to this. One is that we must talk to God very openly about this pain, and two is we must talk very aggressively to ourselves about how to interpret this pain. Even Jesus had to turn to God in the garden of Gethsemane about his pain. We are no different and God has promised us that when we turn to him in supplication that He will move towards us in love.

The Story of Joseph

Ryan Lowery
Genesis 39:1-45:11

Though Joseph was was a man of faith, his life was filled with confusion and pain. Often in the midst of suffering and trials it is difficult to see how God is working. Ultimately, God used Joseph's faithful suffering in order to bring about incredible good for him and his family. God also has a purpose for our lives, but in order to see this purpose realized we must be willing to trust Him through any circumstance.\r\n\r\n

Walking on Water

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 14:22-33

Jesus comes walking on water in a heavy storm and the disciples are amazed. Jesus challenges Peter's lack of faith that he can provide for them. The doubt of Peter highlights what happens when Christians adopt a horizontal perspective and focus on other things rather than looking to Christ for provision. Often, the horizontal perspective leads to more problems, including anxiety, anger and ingratitude. What Jesus is trying to teach his disciples is to look towards him with a vertical perspective amidst the "waves" or problems that arise in our lives.

Grow or Groan

James Rochford
James 1:1-11

Troubles and suffering are an inevitable part of human existence. When faced with suffering we can either use it as an opportunity to grow and build character or become bitter. We are provided with sufficient knowledge to have faith that God has a plan for us and will grow us through Jesus' example on the cross and knowledge that he suffers with us and for us. James also warns of having divided loyalty between God and earthly riches because riches will eventually fade away.

What About Miracles?

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 8:1-15

Jesus performs four miracles. He heals a man with leprosy, who would be seen as a total outcast at that time. He sees the faith of a gentile centurion and heals his slave servant and then goes on to heal a woman. All of these people were see as unimportant in society, but not to Jesus. Jesus miraculous power was used to authenticate his claims and demonstrated his love towards those who are deemed as unloved. Jesus wants to express his love to all people through his work on the cross.

Christian Ethics

Scott Risley
Matthew 5:21-48

God wants us to lead moral lives, but He wants to set the priorities, not have us decide ethical and moral priorities for ourselves because we are so often deceived. Many of the ethical teachings in the Bible are principles not set in stone "rules".

What motivated Paul?

Jeff Gordon
1 Corinthians 15

Paul was motivated by three things: the truth of God's grace, his experience of God's grace, and the certainty of eternal life. Paul taught that while following God is intense labor and trouble, that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.

Hope in the Midst of Suffering

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 8:15-23

God will fill us with hope in the midst of our suffering as we trust in His promises about eternal life. The foundation of our hope is our adoption into God's family. We can also confidently hope in our inheritance; being glorified with Christ. God will heal all of this world's brokenness and give it beauty we've never seen before. However, like Christ, before we receive our inheritance we must suffer. We can have assurance in these promises through the down payment of the Holy Spirit as a guarantee.