Learning the Secret

Scott Risley
Exodus 17:7

Paul discovered the secret of contentment. He learned that lust will deaden our souls and Jesus alone offers true contentment. That contentment should overflow in generosity, starting now.

Knowing Christ

Dennis McCallum
Romans 6:3-4

There are two options to be made right with God: doing good works and hoping that they are enough to please God, or asking God for Christ's sacrifice on the cross to count for you and for his righteousness to be imputed to you. If we choose the second plan, we can experience true freedom from sin and enjoy our position in Christ instead of relying on our condition. This second plan is not free from suffering though, and Christians will experience difficulty and pain as they seek to be conformed to the image of Christ.

Jesus Calms The Storm

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 8:22-25

Jesus taught several lessons when he calmed the storm: 1) following Jesus does not mean immunity from "storms"; 2) "storms" expose our little faith in Jesus; 3) Jesus responds to our little faith in him; and 4) Jesus challenges us to grow stronger in our faith in him. The best ways to grow our faith are to consider God's promises, ponder previous instances of God's faithfulness, and to act in faith during the storms.

Into the Furnace

Jim Leffel
Daniel 3:1-36

When Nebuchadnezzar demanded universal worship of a statue, God's people faced a difficult and painful decision against the pressures of their culture. Today, the cultural bottom line that demands our loyalty has to do with the exaltation of the self. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego made their decision based on integrity and an informed confidence in God. In the furnace, God was with them in their suffering.

Paul on Trial

Dennis McCallum
Acts 23:1-26:32

Over the course of nearly two years, Paul undergoes different trials while in Rome. He encounters the Sanhedrin, the Governor Felix, Festus, and King Agrippa. In each trial, Paul takes the opportunity to share the gospel in his defense. Ultimately, he is set free from jail after two years of frustration and little to no visible fruit borne. However, it looks different today as it stands as a reminder to endure for the sake of the Gospel. The responses from the Sanhedrin, Felix, and Agrippa are very common still today: not considering the truth claims of the gospel, waiting to make a decision until later, or nearly being persuaded but never making a decision.

Paul's Second Journey (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Acts 16:9-40

Paul continues his pioneering efforts to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ, illuminating more principles of ministry. His interaction with the woman Lydia in Thyatira shows the importance of finding a person of peace, someone who is responsive to God and eager to reach their friends. Paul also interacts with a slave girl who was being overcome with a demonic spirit and casts the spirit out, highlighting the fierce spiritual struggle that Christian ministry really is. Paul and Silas are severely beaten and flogged and thrown in prison and yet sing praises to God in prayer. When encountering suffering, the attitude we adopt matters because we're serving God and shows a lot about God. Lastly, the experience with the jailer Paul encounters emphasizes that Christian ministry is based around grace and that God is capable of using any circumstance for His purpose.

Truly Living While You're Dying

Beth Chilcoat
Bev DeLashmutt
John 17:17

David Chilcoat, a devout Christian and the founder of the Columbus Young Life branch, experienced intense suffering as his body decayed slowly due to ALS, a devastating disease. His wife Beth and Bev DeLashmutt use his journal entries at the time of his illness to explore how to remain faithful and experience peace and joy even amidst this kind of physical and emotion pain. Three key points that emerge are: 1) the need to ask God for what we need and desire, 2) to remember God's goodness and affirm our faith, and 3) to wait for Him to fulfill His promises to us. These help us to respond to suffering in a way that allows us to persevere through it instead of crumbling under it.

Lessons from the book of Job

Lee Campbell
James 1:19-20

Three of Job's friends heard of Job's suffering and went to him to offer love and support. They entered into Job's suffering and counted the cost to be there for him and bear his burdens. As they tried to sympathize with Job they had some successes and some failures. We can learn some practical lessons from their story on what to do when someone in our life suffers great loss.

How a Pastor Must Die

Ajith Fernando
Matthew 5:23-24

Leaders have been called to die to self. The way to accomplish this task is by being committed to the body of Christ. Within this commitment must come a fight for unity. It is the unity within the church that demonstrates the power of God. This type of commitment will bring upon suffering but God's love and His power are greater than any suffering that will come.