Mary of Bethany

Jill Briscoe
Luke 10:38-42

Through beautiful stories and examples comes encouragement to not waste the pain and suffering in our lives, but allow God to use it. It is through adversity that we have a choice to deepen our faith. Mary of Bethany is a woman who through her life gave her heart, home, and hurt to Jesus. \r\n

Resident Aliens

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 11:8-10

Peter writes this letter primarily to Jews who responded to his message in Jerusalem on Pentecost and later migrated back to their home countries in mostly modern-day Turkey. He addresses them as "resident aliens" and many are experiencing persecution and rejection from their families and communities. Peter writes this letter to give very practical instruction on how to live victoriously for Christ amid suffering.\r\n

Praying When Your World is Rocked

Gary DeLashmutt
Acts 4:24-30

When we pray, God will help us overcome world-rocking crises. Overcoming may not mean deliverance from circumstances, but God can allow us to victoriously do His will in the midst of tribulation. The prayer in Acts includes three key points, that God would: 1) consider the threats against them; 2) enable them to represent Jesus well; and 3) pour out the Holy Spirit in healing so people may experience God. Gary DeLashmutt expounds on how this prayer serves as an example for us today. Includes a testimony by Bev DeLashmutt on a spiritual role model of victorious suffering in her life.

A "Thorn in the Flesh"

Dennis McCallum
Galatians 6:11-17

Paul had a thorn in his flesh that God allowed to be there, this thorn was a reminder to Paul that God's grace is sufficient for him. God will allow us to suffer in order for us to see our need for him in our life. We need to choose to depend on God with our lives to experience the fullness of His love and to powerfully be used by Him.

The Ten Plagues

Lee Campbell
Exodus 7:2-6

God causes 10 plagues against the Egyptians that directly correlate with the Egyptian gods. Many view the plagues as disturbing due to the judgement on the Egyptians. However, God rescues the oppressed in order to show His character through this situation. Additionally, God persuades the oppressor to show that He alone is God. In the hardship that people face, it might require patient enduring until God finishes His persuading of the oppressor. God will ultimately stop the oppression because He is just.

The God of Compassion

Jim Leffel
Exodus 2:23-25

Exodus gives two examples of God's compassion. First, in our suffering. God is moved by human suffering because He hears people and God is an emotional being. Secondly, God is not only moved by our suffering but His compassion produces action. An example of how God takes action is seen in His forgiveness and redemption for the people of Israel. This message of redemption is the Bible's central message.

Joy and Spiritual Unity

Jim Leffel
Philippians 2:1-3

Under great stress you learn more about who you really are. Suffering brings out critical weaknesses and also reveals your true priorities. Unity is essential in the midst of suffering. As Christians, we have a corporate identity in Christ and each other, through the Holy Spirit. Paul explains to the Philippians what spiritual unity looks like in every day life.

Withstanding Spiritual Agony

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 4:7

Paul taught us that it is important when we face times of spiritual agony to look back at the message that God has carved into our hearts. God writes His message in our lives through the experiences that we have, where we see Him provide for us or use us in other people's lives. When we look at all that God has done for us, it becomes clear that He will continue to work in our lives, and that we are headed toward overwhelming victory in Him.

Helping People with Problems

Dennis McCallum
2 Corinthians 2:2-11

Paul called the Corinthian church to practice loving discipline with one of the members of their church who had committed a serious sin. Biblical discipline is something the church does for the spiritual well-being of the person being disciplined, and not something done in judgement of that person. When the man who was disciplined had repented of his sin Paul called the church to invite him back and to comfort him.