Arm Your Minds!

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 4:12-19

There is suffering we can avoid, but also suffering we can't! When we undergo necessary suffering, how we respond to the pain in our lives is important. We can respond negatively by lashing out, running away from our problems, or becoming resentful. We need to remember that we have an enemy, that this world is fallen, and that suffering is necessary for spiritual growth. We can trust God through it to work good in spite of the brokenness of our world!\r\n\r\n

Slaves and Masters

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 6:5-9

While the Bible does not promote slavery, Paul uses it as an example of how each situation is a unique opportunity to give witness. The most important call for believers is to love and serve others, even in difficult circumstances. There is a clear path to be drawn from slavery in the world and the slavery humans experience under sin. But, God has a message that invites everyone to be free.

A Mandate for Action

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 1:1-13

Peter writes to mostly gentile Christians that are undergoing persecution and suffering. He reminds these Christians that they have reason to rejoice even though they are going through various trials, including: 1) Christians are made new by God; 2) Christians have a new future that includes an imperishable inheritance and heaven; and 3) Christians have the opportunity to have their faith in God deepen during trials.

The Great Tribulation: God's Judgmental and Redemptive Activity

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 6-16

John describes what we can expect in the end times: God's judgmental and redemptive acts. God allows humanity to rebel against Him, but one day He will reluctantly alienate those who do not accept His leadership. His desire, however, is for people to turn toward Him. So, while in the final days He will act as judge, He will also reach out to people in extraordinary ways to reveal the path to salvation.

Introduction to Revelation

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 1

An overview of the book of Revelation including analyzing the style, structure, and the purpose of the book. John wanted to fortify the believers to follow him to withstand persecution. In this letter to seven churches within the province of Asia, he emphasizes who Jesus really is ? both king and savior ? and we see the importance of relating to Jesus as both.

David: Handling a Crisis Successfully

Mike Sullivan
1 Samuel 30:1-25

People wonder if suffering and crisis will enter their lives; however, the real question is not if it will come, but when. As a result, we need to consider ahead of time how we want to handle suffering when it does come. David models three key things in his own time of crisis: strengthening himself in God, inquiring of God, and giving God the credit. We too can follow this example.

A Key to Spiritual Greatness

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 12:1-10

Paul's great vision provides insight into spiritual greatness as he encountered a thorn from Satan. God is able to give sufficient grace to bear the thorns in our lives in a victorious way. God is powerful and can work through our thorns to impact others powerfully for the sake of Christ. As we embrace our weakness before God, He is able to bring about His power, along with fruitful blessings.

Attaining Spiritual Maturity

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 3:9-16

God has positioned us into His family as his sons and daughters and has promised us an eternity with him. Often we choose to focus on our temporary condition when God truly views us in terms of our eternal position. God fully loves us and His view of us is what really matters.

Treasure in Earthen Vessels

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 4:7-18

Paul's analogy of his suffering compared to a clay jar with a great treasure presents the principle of life out of death. This process is initiated by God as He gradually breaks us so that the aroma of Christ can be manifested in our lives more and more. God will allow the sufferings we encounter to promote a deeper dependence on Him and less dependence on ourselves. As we encounter these trials, God calls us to focus in faith on His promises and live them out as He works in our lives.