The Causes, Effects, and Solution for the Fall

James Rochford
Genesis 3:1-24

When God created Adam and Eve, they lived in the Garden of Eden in perfect harmony and contentment. However, Satan approached Eve and prompted her to question God's instructions about the Tree of Life. Since God gave them free will, Adam and Eve ate fruit from the tree that God said not to; therefore, rebelling against God and allowing sin to enter the world. Take a look at the causes, effects and the solution to the fall of man-that still has lasting consequences to this day!

The Fall of Mankind

Conrad Hilario
Genesis 3:1-23

Adam and Eve chose to sin when tempted. Their fall resulted in psychological, and theological, sociological, an ecological alienation from themselves and humankind.

Two Guys and a Bowl of Soup

Jim Leffel
Genesis 25:19-28:1

How do you see the world and your place in it? Do you focus on temporary things or is your mind set on eternal matters? Think through these questions as you examine the lives of Jacob and Esau. As sons of Isaac, they are key figures in God's plan to bless all nations. Esau makes a short-sighted choice to trade his birthright to Jacob and suffers the consequences. The trajectories of their lives is driven by the way they each see the world and their place in it.

Another Spiritual Danger

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Timothy 6:7-9

Materialism and nationalism are real temptations that face the church, and just like Paul warns the Philippians about falling into these traps, modern Christians must be careful not to follow the world's perspective instead of the Bible's. Instead, we must focus on our eternal citizenship and home with Christ rather than building material wealth and learn how to work with one another to advance the gospel in spite of differing political views.

Encountering God's Enemy

Conrad Hilario
1 Corinthians 15:45

Jesus provides an example of how to use the Word of God as a weapon against Satan. Jesus models dependence on God while Satan operates under autonomy, pragmatism, and pride. Jesus is our perfect substitute who offers us a victorious alternative in responding to temptation through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Confronts His Enemy

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 15:45

The three temptations of Jesus are recorded: to be autonomous from God by turning stones into bread, to prematurely claim his rightful rulership by worshiping Satan, and for Jesus to leap from the temple to be prematurely recognized for who He is. Jesus uses Scripture to resist and refute Satan's words, demonstrating the need for every believer to know the Bible deeply and well enough to use it in spiritual warfare. The believer is encouraged to know Satan's tactics and aim for persistence in winning battles that Satan will repeatedly bring into his or her life.

The Impact of Spiritual Decisions

Dennis McCallum
Exodus 19-20

The author of Hebrews uses the story of Jacob and Esau to show the importance of choice in the life of a follower of Christ. Esau chose what was temporary, immediate, and easy rather than what was truly important. We often make this same exchange, choosing things of temporary value over eternal value. We will be faced with many decisions that will impact the course of our lives, with serious and sometimes with irrevocable impact. God wants us to seek His voice and trust His timing.

Walking in the Light

Ryan Lowery
Ephesians 5:1-14

Paul outlines how the transforming love of God should affect the behavior of those following Him. This teaching touches on sexuality, materialism, and coarse speech. Our behavior in these areas can be transformed by the love of God so that we think of others before ourselves.

Put Your Hope in God, Not Money

Scott Risley
1 Timothy 6:2-21

People seek material gain to have a feeling of contentment in their lives and our culture perpetuates it. We are only trying to fill the God-sized hole in our own hearts. But God has delivered the ultimate fulfillment in the form of Christ's gift of eternal life.