Christian Community (Part 6) - Forgive One Another

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 2:9-11

The only way to preserve closeness in relationships with sinful people is to forgive as God has forgiven us. If we choose not to forgive others it leads to the crushing consequences of bitterness. Experiencing biblical forgiveness includes being willing to act and looking to Scripture to expose any misconceptions that we hold.

Christian Community (Part 5) - Confess to One Another

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 1:7

The Bible calls us to confess our sins to one another to help us overcome the destructive power of sin in our life. Verbally acknowledging our own wrong behaviors or attitudes to another person can bring us healing and reconciliation in relationships. Confession is a crucial part of Christian community and a powerful way to experience God's merciful grace.

Christian Community (Part 4) - Admonish One Another

Gary DeLashmutt
John 13:34

To love one another the way God has loved us includes admonishing one another. Biblical admonition is moral correction through verbal confrontation motivated by genuine love. To admonish effectively we must filter correction towards one another through God's grace and hold it up against His word. We should be prayerful and remember that this is a type of sacrificial love.

Christian Community (Part 3) - Encourage One Another

Gary DeLashmutt
Hebrews 10:24-25

Biblical encouragement communicates God's truth and hope in ways which personally strengthens us to go on following God's will for our lives. We can encourage one another by affirmation, praise, consolation, and exhortation. It takes practice to become a good encourager in Christian community, but God provides His Word to lead the way.

Christian Community (Part 1) - Introduction

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 12:3-15

Many Christians believe that being part of Christian community is about what you do, but Paul argues in the book of Romans that it is about who you are. If you have come into a personal relationship with Jesus, you are an independent member of Christ's body. To grow in your relationship with God it is important to regularly exercise your spiritual gifts and build Christ-centered relationships.

Three Lessons in Narrative

Dennis McCallum
Luke 9

Jesus taught that those who are like children would be the greatest in the Kingdom. Christians who substitute ambition and ego for humility and serving others emulate the attitudes of children in God's Kingdom. Jesus taught the principle of cooperation while allowing for disagreement on non-essential doctrine among believers in Christ. Jesus also rejected the ideas of racism and hate, instead affirming love for all people that reflects the love of God. Humility, cooperation, and love are key principles for effective Christian ministry.

God's Strategy in Human History

Dennis McCallum
Romans 9-11

What are God's plans for humanity and the means to His ends? God communicates throughout the Old and New Testaments that righteousness before God is bestowed on those who have faith, not those who devote themselves to rules or works. All are called to specifically put their faith in the culmination of God's law, Jesus Christ. God shifts His work to spread this message beyond the Israelites, specifically to non-Jewish people; but will come back and fulfill His promises to the Jewish people.\r\n

Jesus' Departure

Dennis McCallum
Acts 1:1-8

After Jesus' death and resurrection, Jesus gives his disciples the Great Commission, a call to go and make disciples of all the nations. We see that Christianity is not exclusive, and we are called to share God's offer of forgiveness with others, because Christ died for all sin. This begins a new chapter in God's eternal plan: knowledge of him was harbored amongst the nation of Israel, but now explodes outward to all people. When a church takes hold and actively participates in this mission, growth and excitement follow.

The Last Supper

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 11:23-26

Jesus in His last night celebrates the Passover with His disciples. The Passover was a prophetic picture of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. He asks them to continue on in communion with one another to remember what He has done for salvation.