The Helper

Dennis McCallum
John 14:1-31

Jesus is still with his disciples in the Upper Room as he begins to fill them in on what will happen after he leaves to be with the Father. Jesus tells the disciples that once he leaves, he will leave them with the Holy Spirit and highlights eight different ways the Holy Spirit will minister to believers: 1) empowering; 2) interceding; 3) transforming; 4) sealing; 5) indwelling; 6) regenerating; 7) baptizing; and 8) enlightening. Being led and understanding the role of the Holy Spirit is vital for Christians becoming effective in following God.

True Greatness

Scott Risley
John 12:12-43

Jesus comes to Jerusalem and predicts his death. He was not the king people expected. Despite observing the miraculous signs Jesus performed throughout his ministry, many didn't believe and some were too afraid to admit they did believe. Jesus suffered and died so humanity could have life. His followers are to imitate his example to be truly great.

God's Judgment

Mike Sullivan
Obadiah 1:1-21

Obadiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament and is considered among the minor prophets of scripture. The primary focus of this letter is to warn of God's coming judgment on the city of Edom. The city of Edom was arrogant and prideful before God and endures judgment from God. These similar attitudes can still creep up in the lives of Christians today, and have similarly damaging affects on our relationship with God. God's ultimately judgment towards people's sin has been taken care through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.

Jesus on the Cross

Ryan Lowery
Psalms 22:1-22

On the cross, Jesus cried out three things. Jesus demonstrates God's love as he prays for those cursing him in the midst of his suffering. He also quotes Psalm 22 in order to show that things are going exactly according to God's plan. Finally, he proclaims that the work of atonement is finished. We are left with the task of telling others about his sacrifice.

The Way People See Jesus

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 26:34-35

Before Jesus' resurrection, there were five reactions to him: 1) the religious rulers questioned his authority; 2) the disciples were not prepared to suffer for the truth; 3) Herod viewed him as a novelty; 4) Pontius Pilate refused to make a decision; and 5) the thieves crucified with him either rejected him or gained salvation. Today, Jesus is still a polarizing figure.

The Resurrection

Jeff Gordon
John 20:1-18

The claims that Jesus made before dying on the cross were pretty outlandish. These claims that he made were not just unusual, but verifiable. Jesus needed to validate his claims because the implications of his death and resurrection are significant: Jesus came to save humanity. It was not only during the time of Jesus' death that God wanted to provide evidence for faith in God, but He wants to provide that now for all people. Since God is a loving father who wants good things for us, it is reasonable and verifiable to believe the claims that He makes.

The Crucifixion as Fulfillment

Jeff Gordon
John 19:16-42

Jesus came the first time to die for the sins of humanity, but this was not the end. Jesus is going to come back, and if this is true, it has consequential implications and is worth considering. God not only sent His son Jesus to die on the cross, but He also predicted this in many ways throughout all of Scripture. Jesus' death paid the ultimate price for the ultimate gift that God wanted to give: a relationship with Him. This plan that He put in place provides substantial evidence for the validity of the gift of salvation.

Spiritual Birth

Conrad Hilario
Daniel 7:13-14

The story of Nicodemus and his discussion with Jesus Christ on what it means to be a born again Christian.

Jesus The King

Jeff Gordon
John 18-19

When Jesus was sentenced to death by crucifixion, he bore the punishment for being "the king of the Jews." What does it actually mean that Jesus was a king? The Jews, based on prophetic prediction, expected Jesus to come in power, might, and authority. Jesus was not the king that they were expecting. There are three things that we can learn from Jesus as king: 1) the king has come and died for the sins of humanity; 2) the king has remained through the Holy Spirit; and 3) the king is coming back to fulfill His promises.