Loving Muslims in an Age of Terrorism (Part 3) - Speaking Like Jesus - Sharing Your Faith with Muslims

Fouad Masri
John 1:4-41

In order to speak like Jesus when sharing our faith with Muslims, we need some basic attitudes and foundational knowledge. We are called to be ambassadors for Christ, to be loving, which means that we also show respect. We are called to be friendly, to create a friendly environment when sharing about Jesus instead of arguing or criticizing. We then seek to use bridges to help move Muslims to understand key truths about Jesus. Finally, our approach must be Bible-based, drawing on the power of God's Word. As we focus on these principles and examine how Christ spoke to those who did not know him, we can gain insight for our own communication and learn to build more effective bridges to the Gospel.

Loving Muslims in an Age of Terrorism (Part 2) - The Quran, Islam and the Gospel

Fouad Masri
Hebrews 1:1-2

As we understand God's call to share his love with those he abundantly wants to give to, we seek to understand the faith of these very people. This workshop outlines the key beliefs of Islam from the person of Muhammad, the Qur'an and the Hadith, the way to heaven, and the pillars of the Islamic faith. After describing some similarities between Islam and Christianity, the focus shifts to the key differences that are essential in helping bridge Muslims to the Gospel of Jesus.

Loving Muslims in an Age of Terrorism (Part 1) - Violence and Hope in the Middle East

Fouad Masri
Matthew 28:18-29

In an age of terrorism, many questions emerge about the Islamic faith. There are vast numbers of Muslims in our world today, and we should seek both to understand their faith as well as to share the love of Christ with them, rather than drawing back in response to violence that may be displayed in the media. This workshop explores the Islamic concept of jihad and its relation with terrorism, as well as other key beliefs of Islam. God is at work in the Muslim world, and we can participate in Christ's mission here.

God is Love

Jim Leffel
John 13:35

This presentation explores two key areas of love in the Christian context. First we must explore the meaning of love, which leads us to the message of love, known as the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Finally, we can explore the mission of love, the call to go out and share this with the rest of the world.

Guard the Truth

Larry Crabb
John 13:35

The farther we grow with Christ, the more we understand the depths of the Gospel, at the center of which is love. It is a truth that we must guard fiercely. First, we should seek a vision of divine love the way it is practiced among the Trinity. Second, brokenness over failure to love is the opportunity to learn what love and grace are. And third, we should avert our focus from our smaller story to the larger story that God is telling. As we move toward and experience these truths, we come to understand the truth of grace more deeply. \r\n

Jesus Before His Public Ministry

Gary DeLashmutt
John 3:16

Summarizes Jesus' birth and childhood. Draws a parallel between Mary's free will in deciding whether to let God put his Son in her - and our free will in deciding whether to let God supernaturally conceive his Son's life in our hearts.

Who is the Real Jesus?

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Timothy 1:14

Who is the real Jesus? Introduction to series on "The Essential Jesus". Shows differences between the canonical portrait of Jesus and portraits of him from other religions, current fiction writers, and gnostic gospels.

The God of All Comfort

Ryan Lowery
2 Corinthians 1:1-9

As pressures and suffering mount, Paul shows how confident he is (and we can be) in God's faithfulness. You are able to receive comfort from God even in the midst of your suffering, knowing that God is producing in you an eternal weight of glory.

The Way of Biblical History

Jim Leffel
Psalms 110:4

During one of Abraham's travels he meets the priest and king Melchizedek. God reveals Himself through Melchizedek by showing throughout the history of Scripture a prophetic image of the coming of Jesus Christ. Jesus, like Melchizedek, was both priest and king. He came to earth to be the final mediator between God and a fallen humanity. Jesus is also king and ruler over all.