Adorning the Gospel in Your Community

John Cleary
Sherri Fojas

God calls His followers to adorn the gospel with word and deed. To effectively participate in this, Christians need to be convinced and motivated by grace. It is also essential to serve those outside the church community because God's purpose and goal are to share His love with those who don't yet know Him. Being prepared with a short answer about why you serve as well as a short personal testimony will give you the ability to answer when people ask why you serve. Jesus is our ultimate example to follow and we need to be sure it is every member that participates in serving the community. Get involved where you are burdened and gifted and consider how to mobilize others to do the same.\r\n

The Good News vs. The Elemental Principles of the World

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 2:14-23

The good news of Christ is extremely counter-intuitive to the way that many think about God. All humans naturally have a certain religious way of thinking that have surprisingly negative implications towards God. Ultimately, the cross renders man-made religious principles useless and reveals the true nature of God.

Basic Principles of This World

Conrad Hilario
John 4:21-24

Paul explains to the Colossian church that they do not have to perform rituals, ?the basic principles of this world,? in order to be made right with God. This construct was promoted by false teachers who tried to tarnish the gospel with ideologies such as Greek dualism, aestheticism and legalism. These false teachers urged the Colossians to incorporate Old Testament dietary laws, holy days, and other rituals. Paul stresses the importance and sufficiency of Christ's death on the cross; therefore, these rituals are of no spiritual value.

The Supremacy of Christ

Scott Risley
Colossians 1:13-20

The apostle Paul begins his exposition on Christ's position over all. Paul establishes the different roles played by Christ as fully God and fully human. Christ operates as head over His creation as well as His church. Paul argues against the Colossian false teachers in defense of Christ's supremacy.

Who is Jesus and What Did He Do?

Conrad Hilario
1 Corinthians 15:19-20

Around 60 A.D., Paul and Timothy wrote to the church in Colossae to clarify who Christ was. The first chapter of Colossians expounds on the incarnation of Christ, meaning that Jesus was both fully man and fully God. In order for humanity be fully redeemed, Jesus had to be both. How we view Christ's nature is critical to our salvation and the gospel message.

Paul's Vision For Spirituality

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 1:1-11

Paul's vision for spirituality has to do with increasing faith, hope, and love. God wants to transform our values, mindset, and actions. All of this change is based on God's grace given through the cross.

Key Ingredients of Spiritual Maturity

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 2:4-7

Paul instructs the Colossians on four key ingredients to spiritual maturity: 1) receiving Christ; 2) ongoing instruction about Christ; 3) resistance to spiritual deception; and 4) being ?in formation? with other Christians. All of us tend to specialize in one or two of these areas, but no amount of proficiency in any one area can make up for a deficiency in the others. All are needed if we want to mature spiritually.

The Return of the King

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 19:1-20:6

John's vision shows Heaven cheering at the defeat of Babylon. The triumph of Christ causes worship and celebration. Satan is bound and thrown into a bottomless pit for a time (before he will need to be released again). This vision paints the picture of the ultimate celebration in Heaven, beginning with the return of Christ!

Who is Jesus?

Ryan Lowery
John 14:8-11

Since God's love is what gives us the power to love others, an important part of understanding God's love is understanding who Jesus is. Jesus is: 1) our redeemer; 2) the highest form of revelation; 3) creator and owner of everything; 4) the highest authority; 5) the head of the church; 6) God.\r\nWhile the divinity and humanity of Jesus are constantly under attack, the truth that God became a human and died in our place is the basis for love and the only true gospel.