Key Elements of Serving Love

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:15

Paul models serving love for believers by describing his personal relationship with the Thessalonian church. His love for them is motivated by the gospel and characterized by integrity in ministry, reliance on the truth, correct motives for service, and the practice of personal discipleship. Serving love is more rewarding than receiving love from others because of its eternal value, and pursuing it leads to a fulfilling and joyous life.

The Logic of Grace

Dennis McCallum
Deuteronomy 30:3-5

God's grace has three components: faith, hope, and love. This faith is dependent upon God's self-authentication through fulfilled prophecies like the regathering of Israel, and it is also personal in the sense that people choose individually to start a relationship with God. God also extends hope to people through the promise of eternal life in heaven, and this hope provides Christians with joy in this life. Finally, love is the motivation for sharing God's grace with people who do not know Him and serving others in the church. These three components provide a firm foundation for the Christian life and reasons to learn more about Christ for those who are investigating the Christian faith.

A Conversation Under the Cloak of Darkness

Jim Leffel
John 3:1-21

Jesus urges the Pharisee Nicodemus to receive eternal life by being born again. Jesus' message was challenging as Nicodemus was a good man who followed his religious beliefs and was confused about how someone could be born again. Jesus explains that the only solution to the human condition of separation with God is to believe and make the personal decision to receive Jesus' life. No one can be good enough to earn eternal life. Jesus teaches we receive eternal life by believing and receiving God's love and forgiveness. This Good News is for everyone who believes.

Gathering the Inner Circle

Jim Leffel
John 1:19-51

John explains who Jesus is through the testimony of John the Baptist. He reveals what it looks like to personally seek, find, and follow Jesus through the lives of Peter, Andrew, and Philip. Emphasizing Peter's life, John shows Peter's sensitivity to Jesus, a time of testing, and a point of painful breaking. Following Jesus includes experiencing his grace, being defined by the future and not the past, and developing the same love for others that Jesus himself has.

Diligent in the Word

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 2:15-18

Paul imparts confidence in Timothy by reminding him of the importance, power, and relevance of Scripture. Like Timothy, when Christians are true to the Word of God, they gain clarity from God and closeness to Him. When diligent in this endeavor, Christians can build spiritual depth and spiritual relationships.

The Mystery Revealed

Scott Risley
Ephesians 3:1-13

The mystery of Christ was revealed on earth and in heaven. It was God's will that all would be saved and called righteous because of what Jesus did on the cross. God created a plan through Jesus as the Suffering Servant and the King Messiah to give all people the opportunity to know Him. Because of God's great love He made himself known and made His grace available to everyone.\r\n

Jesus' Victorious Authority

Gary DeLashmutt
John 16:33

The normal Christian life is a life of difficulties and supernatural provisions. One supernatural provision is Jesus' victorious authority. Jesus has won the right to ultimately rule the world by dying for the sins of humanity. He has also won the authority to advance his mission through us. This results in peace and courage in the midst of tribulation for those who trust and follow him.

What's Wrong With The Human Race?

Scott Risley
Ephesians 2:1-10

Paul contrasts God's love with the plight of humanity, i.e., physical and spiritual death. He explains the bad news resulting from human depravity and also describes God's solution to it. Because of His love and mercy God intervened by providing His Son Jesus to take on the judgment humanity deserves. It is by His grace that humanity is saved, not by works. After receiving this free gift, God gives His children the opportunity and privilege to do good works by sharing His good news with others.

Paul - Living for the Call of Christ

Gene Getz
1 Thessalonians 2:6-12

Through the life of Paul, Gene Getz talks about how we can live our lives for the call of Christ. He gives us principles to live by from Paul's formative years including what our lives should look like when we receive Christ's forgiveness. He also takes us through Paul's life in ministry and some principles for us to take from those years in Paul's life.\r\n