God's Strategy in Human History

Dennis McCallum
Romans 9-11

What are God's plans for humanity and the means to His ends? God communicates throughout the Old and New Testaments that righteousness before God is bestowed on those who have faith, not those who devote themselves to rules or works. All are called to specifically put their faith in the culmination of God's law, Jesus Christ. God shifts His work to spread this message beyond the Israelites, specifically to non-Jewish people; but will come back and fulfill His promises to the Jewish people.\r\n

Love Relationships Under God

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 22:36-40

The concept of love is the summary of the intent of the entire Biblical Law and Prophets. Love is found in personal relationships with others, beginning with God. The key to understanding and experiencing love is to understand and experience God. These theological ideas are explored in the first of three lessons from Romans 13. Includes quotes from "What Americans Believe" by George Barna and "True Spirituality" by Francis Schaeffer.\r\n

How is the Bible Different from Other Scriptures?

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 18:35

The Bible stands out from other scriptures in its accuracy of historical claims, and it's fulfilled prophecy. God chose to confirm His message to mankind through these verifiable claims. Some spiritual texts contradict history, while others make no verifiable claims.

As in Adam, So in Christ

Dennis McCallum
Romans 5-6

Paul describes how we are born under the federal headship of Adam. Thanks to this one man's decision, we are born with a sin nature and are separate from God. Yet, thanks to the righteousness of another man, Jesus Christ, we can die to our old, sin nature and gain a new identity in Christ. By accepting Christ's sacrifice for ourselves, we can be made free and grow in our relationship with God under our new identity.

Reactions to the Cross

Dennis McCallum
Mark 15:16-20

While there were many onlookers in the events leading up to Jesus' death on the cross, the reactions of those present for these events varied considerably. Pilate, King Herod, the thieves that hung next to Christ on the cross, and the soldiers present at the scene all had different responses to Jesus. Some were indecisive about choosing for or against Christ, some mocked Jesus, while others changed their mind and repented, coming to faith. We are called to consider how we personally will respond to the cross. \r\n

The Cross

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 26:37-27:51

Matthew gives record of Jesus' crucifixion on the cross, an event that is impossible to be over-emphasized. The cross was a horrendous type of physical torment that Christ endured, but Christ also endured the pain of bearing human sin. Not only can we learn a lot from Jesus' example, but we can also gain eternal life through this sacrificial act, by asking for our own certificate of debt to be paid in full.

Treasure in Earthen Vessels

Gary DeLashmutt
John 12:24

Our human desires and urges are what holds back the aroma of Christ and the Gospel, this is the earthly vessel. Paul speaks of different kinds of sufferings that can cause cracks in our vessel that let the aroma of Christ come out and uplift us and the people around us with his love and truth.

Two Ways of Relating to God

Gary DeLashmutt
Jeremiah 31:31-34

The two ways of relating to God are either: 1) through superficial rituals, and adherence to the laws of the Old Covenant; or 2) through God's intended method of a personal relationship based on Christ's death on the cross. The Old Covenant was never meant to be permanent and was never meant to bring the Jews closer to God, its' purpose was to show them how far they were from God and that they needed to be clean to come into His presence. The New Covenant was brought forward and promised by God long ago as a way to restore the broken relationship between us and God. We no longer need to clean ourselves to be able to come into His presence but can be fully restored and cleaned once and for all through Christ.

God's Triumph in Christ

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 2:14-17

Have you ever meet someone and you wanted to listen to them and be around them more? This sort of instant connection is described by Paul as an aromatic Christian and there are a few ways we can grow in being a pleasant aroma to those around us. Speaking God's Word, our confidence in God's Word and the power of the Gospel has the power to convict people and bring them to God. Living out our transformed lives shows something different to the watching world. We can all have this kind of impact on others regardless of our limitations.