Exiles on a Mission, Part 2

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Peter 3:1-12

The recipients of Peter's letter were being slanderer, reviled and maligned for following Jesus. Peter instructs them to be bond-servants to all people, even those who are persecuting them. They are to verbally communicate the message that Jesus is Savior. They are to display behavior that commends the message about Jesus by submitting themselves to authorities and obeying when not biblically impermissible. They are to be bond-servants to all people.

The Cross

Ryan Lowery
Romans 5:7-9

The cross of Christ is where God demonstrated His love for a rebellious and sinful people by sacrificing His son, Jesus, on the cross to pay for our sin debt. The cross allowed a way for a hopelessly sinful people to be reconciled to a perfect God. How absurd is it for Christians to be antisemitic and blame the Jews for Jesus' death! God's act of love at the cross should impact the way we view others.

How Much Do You Value Truth?

James Rochford
2 Timothy 2:8-26

Paul argues that if Jesus is real, it is only logical to dedicate our lives to His message. God places a high value on truth. If truth matters, then we should be deepening our own convictions about the claims of Christ and living out our lives in light of those truths.

The Bad News

Ben Foust
Romans 1:18-25

Paul shares the bad news--that no man is good enough to earn his way to approval and acceptance by God, who is perfect--even one sin disqualifies you from heaven and qualifies you for eternal judgment. This is in keeping with Him being a just God. While this is bad news, understanding and accepting it leads us to God's good news, that He has made a way for us to have these sins covered and paid for, through Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.

Passing On the Message

Chris Hearty
2 Timothy 2:1-2

Paul encourages Timothy with the message to stay strong in the grace God has given him. Paul entrusted him to pass on the Biblical truths he had learned from Paul with the goal of multiplying Christ-followers. Jesus' plan to multiply disciples by one-on-one mentoring may seem slow at first but multiplication results in much greater numbers over time than simple addition.

The Shameless Gospel

Ben Foust
Romans 1:8-17

Paul longed to meet the believers in Rome and preach the Gospel to them. Paul was not ashamed to share the good news although he had reasons to feel shame as the Gospel was a scandal to the Jews and foolishness to the Gentiles. The Gospel was offensive to everyone! But Paul was the opposite of ashamed because knew the shameless love of Jesus and was willing to be a fool for Christ.

Do Not Be Ashamed of Your Faith in Jesus

James Rochford
2 Timothy 1:7-18

What is the message? It is unspeakably valuable. God loves us despite what we have done, not because of what we have done. We are loved, not loveable. Jesus chose to give His life as an incredibly heroic act of love. Why should anyone share this message? This is transcendent truth. It is a beautiful message. It has supernatural power to change lives. How can we share this message well? Prepare to suffer and be rejected. Get the focus off your fears, and onto God's transformative power. Remember that it is all worth it!

Not Ashamed of the Gospel

Chris Hearty
2 Timothy 1:8-18

In Christ Jesus, we have been saved from the penalty of our sin. This is an action completed in the past. We are saved from the power of our sin, presently and ongoing. In the future, in heaven, we will be saved from the presence of our sin. If we really understand the tremendous value of the Gospel, we would guard it as a treasure and would not be ashamed of it. Truly know Jesus should remove all shame.

God's Invitation in Isaiah 55

Gary DeLashmutt
Isaiah 55:1-13

Over seven hundred years before Jesus walked the earth, God was offering His invitation to the whole world to come the lavish feast He will prepare for those who accept His invitation. The invitation is offered to all but only those who accept it will partake of the banquet. To accept His invitation one only has to repent, which means to change one's mind about your path of alienation from God. Your invitation has already been paid for by Jesus' death on the cross.