The Glorious Gospel

Chris Hearty
1 Timothy 1:1-11

Paul open his letter to Timothy by asserting his authority as an Apostle commissioned by Jesus Himself, perhaps to not only to encourage Timothy but to confer some of his authority to a young Timothy. It may also have been to affirm to the church in Ephesus that Timothy has Paul's full confidence. He urges Timothy to remain in Ephesus to teach the church to stop spreading false doctrine and wasting time occupying themselves with myths and endless genealogies. Instead, he is to focus on the goal of their instruction, that is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.

The Parable of the Tenants

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 21:33-41

When the Pharisees challenged Jesus' authority to claim to be the Messiah, Jesus replied to them in a parable of the tenants. He told the story of the unrighteous stewards of the vineyard owned by the landowner. The tenants killed every representative the landowner sent to collect his rent, even his son. In this parable the landowner is God and we are the tenants. Instead of killing the tenants as the Pharisees recommended, God desires to adopt us as His children.

Hope for Hopeless Marriages

James Rochford
1 Peter 3:1-8

When Peter calls upon wives to submit to their husbands, he is not promoting patriarchal misogyny as modern readers might believe. Instead, he is actually elevating the the view of women contrary to the worldview of his time. No teacher or rabbi would even address women directly in a teaching. He is speaking to women with unbelieving husbands who, if the wives took full advantage of their new status, would needlessly alienate their husbands from the message of the Gospel. He is asking both husbands and wives to submit to the authority of God by serving each other sacrificially.

Keys to Victorious Suffering

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 1:24-2:1

Paul shares with the Colossians how he rejoices in his suffering not to gain their pity but to alleviate their distress. He gives them three keys to victorious suffering. First, we can endure suffering because God has revealed to us where history is headed. Second, we know we each have a unique role to play in God's plan. Third, we have access to God's power.

Four Insights Into the Gospel

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 1:1-8

Paul gives four insights into the Gospel. The Gospel is a definitive announcement. It declares that Jesus is the Christ. It offers the grace of God. Finally, God spreads the Gospel through people who have ben changed by it.

United for a Purpose

Kate Mizelle
1 Timothy 1:5

Do we recognize that the biblical call to evangelism is not just an individual call, but a corporate call? To fully embrace what God intended, we must understand the unique witness that the body has to a lost world and why our best experience of community comes from when we are focused together on those outside of it. In this workshop we will also brainstorm some practical ideas on how to utilize community in evangelism.

Jesus and Saul

Ben Foust
Acts 9:1-27

The story of Saul's radical transformation from an enemy of God who persecuted the early church with vengeance to his becoming the foremost evangelist who died proclaiming the Good News is a showcase for how God's grace and mercy can change anyone, even the one who is least likely in our eyes. Sometimes our spiritual passions are misplaced and don't align with God's plans for us. God's mercy and grace is nothing short of scandalous. No one is too much an enemy of God to be accepted by God. His invitation stand today for each and every person.

The Good News of Christ

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:1-8

Paul was grateful for the Colossian church for the way they were bearing fruit after hearing and understanding the gospel. They embraced a living hope that was at that time unimaginable to the Greek culture. Their faith, hope and love resonated with spiritual seekers. This living hope changed them and knit them together in community that was attractive to their neighbors.

The Surpassing Value of Knowing Christ

Conrad Hilario
Philippians 3:1-9

Paul compares two ways of entering heaven. One way is to rely on your own righteousness, banking on your own good works to earn your way to salvation. Paul declares that if there ever was one who could put confidence in the flesh it was him, but after knowing Christ, he counts all his works of the flesh to be worth less than excrement. Instead, he embraces the other way, the only way, to salvation which is to rely entirely upon the work of Jesus on the cross to pay for his sins.