Unity Out of Diversity

Scott Risley
Ephesians 4:3-12

We have all been given unique spiritual gifts as Christ's way of equipping us for works of service. Every believer is called to contribute to the body of Christ, preserve the unity among one another, love others, and reach the lost.

Life in the Body of Christ

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 12:18

God has given many gifts to the members of the church ? the Body of Christ - so that each member can be built up to maturity in the Lord. Spiritual maturity is obtained relationally through unity, faith and knowledge. God has chosen each and every member to perform their special work so that the Body of Christ will grow both qualitatively and quantitatively.

Walking in Unity

Scott Risley
Ephesians 4:1-6

God calls us to be active members in the Body of Christ. We are to build close relationships with other believers, bear with one another, and remember our own unique roles in each other's lives.

Wisdom and Prayer (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
James 5:16-18

God's wisdom is available through prayer. James teaches corporate prayer and the work of prayer being essential in gaining God's wisdom. Through these two kinds of prayer the believer experiences God's provision of Him meeting needs and experiencing God's work get accomplished. James uses Elijah's prophetic work and prayer as an example of how we should pray. Praying in this way produces a renewed outlook from God and a passion to make God known.\r\n

Achieving the Spirit of Unity

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 1:27

The church (those who believe in Jesus Christ) is commanded to make every effort to preserve the unity that God has already given. The unity given to the church is a spiritual unity based on truth that is carried out relationally. It takes effort not to destroy the unity but there are many benefits to preserving a unified church.

Peace on Earth

Scott Risley
Ephesians 2:11-22

Paul explains that Jews and Gentiles can have peace with God and peace with one another because of Jesus' death on the cross. There once were many barriers between Jews and Gentiles but since Jesus' death those barriers have been removed. All people in God's family are equal. There are many positive implications of this unity that impact daily life.\r\n

Summing Up All Things in Christ (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 3:20

Both Jews and Gentiles have an opportunity to be players in God's plan to bring everything together in heaven and on earth. First, God chose the Jews to live separate as a picture of what would come in Jesus Christ. Through Jesus' death the whole system of law was ended so that anyone can come to God. The implications of this caused: 1) no need for a stone temple, 2) a new level of intimacy with God, 3) no priests, 4) a mystical union with other believers through the Holy Spirit, and 5) a mission to invite others into the family of God.

Welcome One Another

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 15:7

All Christians are called to welcome one another. This includes welcoming people who have significant sociological differences. Welcoming does not mean passive acceptance or tolerance; and it does not mean snobbery or prejudice. To welcome means to actively and personally invite someone into your life. Welcoming one another is compelling evidence that Jesus is the living Lord. Christians can learn to welcome others by thanking God regularly for His undeserved welcome through Christ.\r\n

Overcoming Prejudice with Love

Jim Leffel
1 John 3:17

James calls us to practice the love that Christ showed us. The world sees people in terms of their temporary status or wealth, but we are called to see people how God sees them. God sees them as loved, and so we should see everyone as a masterpiece of God's own creation.