Serving Love and Sexuality (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 6:16-20

Jesus confronts the Pharisees about the issue of divorce. God's design for human sexuality is within the confines of a heterosexual monogamous relationship between man and woman. When the focus of sexuality is servant love, we understand that sex is highly intimate and thus can be highly damaging, so we want to listen to God's perspective on what will be the most fulfilling. The key to success in sexual relationships is that it is centered around God. When centered on God, sexuality is able to be freeing and highly unifying as both parties are secure in their position in Christ and can look to serve one another out from God's love, rather than needlessly taking from one another. This teaching also surveys people's thoughts about living together before marriage.

Real Unity and Why it Matters

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 3:1-9

As Paul writes to the Corinthian church, one problem he addresses in this church is the lack of harmony between them. Instead of focusing on areas that bring disharmony, the Biblical basis for unity between God's people is rooted in the Spirit, diligence, and by grace. When God's people are unified with one another it brings joy to those who are united together by God's Spirit and draws others in who do not have a relationship with God.

Shining Like Stars

Scott Risley
Philippians 2:12-18

The Christian witness depends on joyful unity and is completely incompatible with grumbling and disputing. We need to hold forth the truth and pour our lives out in sacrifice for others.

First Things First: God's Grace

Jeff Gordon
1 Corinthians 1:1-17

Paul, even having heard about the many ways that the church in Corinth was in sin, started out his letter by thanking God for them and reminding them that they have every spiritual blessing through Christ. Paul then addresses his first issue; that the Corinthians are becoming divided over who baptized who, which Paul shuts down by pointing out that all believers are under God.

Husbands and Wives

Tom Dixon
Colossians 3:18-19

Paul gives instructions to wives and husbands on how to be successful in a marriage centered around God. As Christians understand what Jesus did for them, they will be able to respond more within marriage. For wives, that means learning what it means to submit to their husband, which means learning to be: supportive, agreeable, encouraging and helpful as the husband leads the marriage towards God. For husbands, they are to extend grace towards their wives and seek ways to sacrificially serve them like Christ. Love and forgiveness from Jesus is the key component for navigating marriage difficulties.

The Gentile Pentecost

Dennis McCallum
Acts 10:1-48

Cornelius, a centurion and God-fearing man, has a vision from God telling him to find Peter. Peter himself falls into a trance, as God shows him the new way of relating to those previously seen as "unclean" now that Christ has come. Through the conversation between Peter and Cornelius, it becomes clear that the vision and trance were meant to communicate that all people are able to access God now through the forgiveness of Jesus Christ. The principle of this encounter is that God has orchestrated His new plan, that through the church, the gospel of Jesus Christ can break through prejudices, traditions, and arbitrary absolutes.

Breaching Culture

Dennis McCallum
Acts 8:1-38

The message of Jesus Christ is continuing to spread in the early church, as God uses Philip to bring a sorcerer named Simon to faith in Jesus. However, there is a delay in Simon receiving the Holy Spirit until the arrival of Peter and John, in order that the issues of racism and prejudice would be silenced. Later, Philip meets an Ethiopian eunuch and tells him about the good news of Jesus Christ. Both of these stories show the miraculous reality of Christ's love as the Gospel penetrates and breaks through cross-cultural barriers. As Christians, we should reject racism and look to see how the loving message of the Gospel can be reached to all types of people, which accurately reflects God's deep heart for all people.

Into Judea and Samaria

Scott Risley
Romans 8:9

Philip the Evangelist goes out to preach the Gospel. We see how God will sometimes send us into uncomfortable situations that may lead to persecution. We see through Philip how God will use these situations to cause good things according to his will.

Persecution and Division

Dennis McCallum
Acts 5:12-6:7

Despite many miracles and signs of God, the apostles encounter more persecution from the Sanhedrin and are thrown into jail. The high priest confronts Peter about preaching about the message of Jesus Christ. Some encounter flogging for their faith, only to continue to spread the message of Christ. However, they start encountering division because of cultural differences that threatens the dynamic Christian community. As a result of a dispute on how to assist widows, the Apostles ask the disciples to choose seven spiritual leaders to solve the problem, those of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit, and who are wise. These instances show that Satan will use persecution and division to try and minimize the effectiveness of God's work, but that preservation of unity within the Body of Christ can be sustained by quality leaders.