The Unity of the Spirit

Scott Risley
Ephesians 4:1-6

In Chapters 1-3, Paul emphasizes the "Sit" phase of a Christian's life, where he learns to embrace all the things God has done for him. In Chapters 4-6, he talks about the "Walk" phase , where the Christian learns to "Walk" in a manner worthy of his calling. Based on all the wonderful things God has done for him, the Christian must walk in such a way that he demonstrates humility, gentleness, patience, and forbearance. A Christian that walks in this manner will preserve the unity of the Body of Christ that Christ provided for us.

Peace on Earth

Scott Risley
Ephesians 2:11-22

Before Jesus died on the cross, there was enmity between the God and man that was unreconcilable. But His death on the cross not only made a way for peace between God and man but also allowed peace between Jews and Gentiles. Now, anyone who puts their trust in Jesus has a unity with other Christians that only Christ can bring about. Every Christian is a unique stone in the spiritual temple of God. Only Christ can bring true unity with others. Though you are far away from God, Christ can bring you near.

God's Ultimate "Yes"

Mike Sullivan
2 Corinthians 1:12-2:4

Paul address accusations made by the Corinthians--that he keeps promises only when convenient. This bred mistrust and cynicism, but Paul shares that his choices were made out of love. Cynicism can be defeated as we put our trust in and focus on God's faithfulness, not blindly in a leader. This mindset helps us see people as we should, especially when they let us down.

Humility and Unity

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 2:3-13

The Word of God calls Christians to pursue humility and unity in the Body of Christ. Unfortunately, our fallen natures will always be attracted to to pride and repelled by humility. Therefore, we need divine resources for this heart-transformation. Jesus' example inspires us with gratitude and vision to follow His example. God's Spirit is constantly at work in us to enable us to grow in humility and love.

Three Essential Elements of Christian Unity

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 1:27-2:2

Three essential elements of Christian unity are we have a common relationship with Jesus, a common source of truth, and a common mission. We are not united by a common membership in the same human organization but we have a common love relationship with Jesus through His Spirit who directs us into truth and His purpose for us.

Unity Between God's People

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 133

Gary DeLashmutt answers three questions raised by Psalm 133 regarding the unity of God's people. What is so good about this unity? From whom does this unity come? How can we experience this unity? This very short Psalm is packed with some very deep truths!

Embracing a Lifestyle of Love:Toward Other Christians

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 3:12-16

Spiritual maturity is facilitated by receiving and focusing on God's love toward God, toward other Christians and toward non-Christians. This week we examine loving other Christians. God calls us to a love that forges observable unity, a love that humbly serves those who are messy and sinful, and a love that is fueled and informed by God's Word.

Avoiding Capture

Ryan Lowery
Colossians 2:1-9

Biblical Christians face many pressures to take their eyes off the primary importance of the Gospel--appreciating and sharing the good news that God offers forgiveness as a free gift. In a culture of people dividing up into "tribes" and causes, it's easy to be sucked into opinions, fears, and forms of manipulation, taking our eyes off God's truth and isolating us from unity with other Christians. There are many ways to resist capture, including being discerning about current culture, remaining unified with other believers, and, through our faith, standing against evil.

How to Be a Winsome Follower of Jesus

Conrad Hilario
1 Peter 3:8-15

In order to be a witness for God to an ungodly world, Christians are called to possess winsome qualities, to be winsome in what we say and do and give a winsome response to those who ask about our faith. We are called to give an account for the hope that is in us. We have good reason to believe in Jesus because He is true! Even atheistic scientists cannot explain the puzzle of the "Fine Tuning of the Universe."