Marriage: The Key Aspect of Family

John Rue

John and Connie Rue discuss how investing in your marriage is the best way to invest in your children. Our children need to see us parents growing in our love for the Lord and for each other. We don't need to be perfect, of course, but they need to see us progressing in our personal growth, not giving up but persevering in spite of inevitable failure.

The Tower of Babel

James Rochford
Genesis 11:1-9

After the flood, humans repopulated the earth. Building the Tower of Babel revealed their rebellion against God and their desire to exalt and rule themselves. God responded by creating different languages and scattering them over the earth. This event teaches us about pride and humility before God and how we can develop biblical humility.

Uniformity & Diversity in Ministry

Gary DeLashmutt
Acts 13:2

In the church, there are ministry roles that all members should play, which can be referred to as ministry uniformity. This includes evangelism, discipleship, loving one another, financial stewardship and corporate prayer. But there is also ministry diversity, ministry strengths and roles that vary between Christians. This includes both spiritual gifts and specific ministry field passion. We should seek a healthy balance between these in our church, and here we discuss what that looks like and how a body of Christ can move toward that balance.

Bonhoeffer - Community Under the Word

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 2:14

Dietrich Bonheoffer, a leading figure in the Christian church in Nazi Germany, became the director of the Confessing Church's underground seminary. During his time there, he lived with a dozen or more Christian men in community, something that resembles Xenos' ministry house model today in some ways. From Bonheoffer, we can learn keys to rich community, including being wary of romanticizing community and being watchful that we are living under the word in this area. This means that in the context of community we are practicing confession, thankfulness, self-control, and humility.

The Nature of the Human Race

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 2:21-25

There is a review of the five characteristics of people before the fall (from the previous teaching), followed by an examination of the final two characteristics. Namely, that humans were created shameless and with both unity and diversity. Some current statistics are analyzed about sex and marriage. Lastly, there is a comparison of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and the tree of life.

That Time the Whole Church Almost Lost It

Scott Risley
Galatians 2:16

The Pharisees try to divide the Church by sowing the idea that new believers need to be circumcised in order to be saved. Their influence even reaches Peter and Barnabas. Both Paul and Peter set the record straight, uniting the church in its theology of salvation by grace alone.

Persecution and Division

James Rochford
Acts 5:14-6:7

Crisis, perseverance, and growth is the pattern seen in the early church. Philip and Stephen along with the other apostles experience external and internal attack through persecution and division. With God, they are able to overcome these. God doesn't grow His church despite crises, but actually through them.

Divide and Conquer

Conrad Hilario
Acts 5:12-6:7

Satan seeks to discourage through persecution. Satan also seeks to destroy church unity and Christians must work to preserve our unity.

The Body of Christ

Dennis McCallum
Acts 2:42-47

The key and essential aspects of authentic body life which causes the never duplicated explosive growth of the body of Christ.