The Sluggard and the Ant

Jeff Gordon
2 Corinthians 5:14

In this proverb, the selfish sluggard is contrasted with the hard-working and diligent ant. It is God's will that we work, but we can't will ourselves to work. Christ's love is the solution to self-absorbed laziness, as it meets our every need and compels us to work hard at the right things. This teaching includes a short clip from an interview with Tom Brady.\r\n

God's Wisdom and Human Sexuality

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Corinthians 6:13-20

Paul addresses sexual immorality in the Corinthian church and reminds them of God's wisdom in four different areas: the purpose of human sexuality, the relationship between sexuality and spirituality, the role of sexual taboos, and the possibility of healing and change. In each of these areas, the wisdom of God is contrasted with the wisdom of the world.

Pornography, part 2

Ryan Lowery
2 Peter 2:18-19

Pornography is popular because: 1) it offers an easy resolution to immediate sexual urges and the excitement of being bad; 2) it claims to be a victimless habit; 3) it is culturally accepted; and 4) it purports to be non-addictive. The truth is, pornography is a highly addictive sin that destroys individuals and families. Proactive steps to combat pornography addiction include: 1) admitting you need help; 2) talking to your spouse; 3) getting an accountability partner; and 4) educating your kids. This teaching includes an excerpt from Mark Driscoll's book "Porn-Again Christian," as well as an audio clip from Dr. James Dobson's interview with Ted Bundy.\r\n

Adultery and Pornography, Part 1

Ryan Lowery
1 Corinthians 6:18-19

God intended sex to be enjoyed within the confines of heterosexual marriage. Adultery (extramarital sex) is a powerful temptation and trap, and leads to death and destruction. There are three components essential to avoiding adultery: 1) avoiding temptation; 2) acknowledging what is at risk; and 3) investing deeply in your marital sex life.\r\n

The Inspired Word

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 3:16-4:4

The Bible uniquely claims to be the inspired Word of God, holding the answers to some of our biggest questions. Only, why should we trust the Bible to speak objective truth? Why should we believe it is God's Word? We examine why the Bible is a trustworthy source, and why it truly is unique.

God's Wisdom and Church Discipline

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Corinthians 5:1-13

In response to unchecked sin (a man carrying on a sexual relationship with his father's wife), Paul rebukes the Corinthian church for not practicing the church discipline that is warranted. When practiced correctly, church discipline can be redemptive and loving. It can help bring the person to a point of repentance, it maintains the spiritual health and zeal of the community practicing it, and it upholds the integrity of the church which is attractive to the watching world. It's important to remember, however, that church discipline is only meant for serious and chronic behavior and only for those who claim to know Jesus.

Protection, Direction, Perfection

Ryan Lowery
Psalms 1:1-3

Navigating life can be difficult and overwhelming. In God's written word, we have the ultimate source of wisdom to guide us. In studying the Bible, God offers us protection from pitfalls in life, direction for how to devote our time and effort, and His perfecting power that brings change in our character.

Walking Wisely: Be Filled With The Spirit

Scott Risley
Ephesians 5:15-21

Christians have interpreted scripture regarding alcohol in many different ways, however, a closer examination concludes that alcohol is not forbidden. This does not mean that it should be abused, as we are to walk in the will of the Lord and he commands us to be sober and alert. Still, alcohol can be considered a gift from God when used appropriately and even Christ himself partook in it. We should not rely on alcohol for escape or to feel good, but instead focus on gratitude and being filled with the Holy Spirit.

Wisdom Speaks

Jeff Gordon
Proverbs 1:20-33

When God speaks, He has wisdom to offer in every area of life. So often though, we simply don't want to listen. Cynicism and pride stand as significant barriers to us, preventing us from turning to God as our constant source of wisdom in life.