Relating to God

Dennis McCallum
Hosea 14:1-5

Hosea was a prophet who God called to marry an unfaithful prostitute. God reveals that this will "illustrate the way my people have been untrue to me, openly committing adultery against the Lord by worshiping other gods." Hosea's book contrasts idol worship (which applies to letting anything have priority over God) to the relationship God wants with people. This relationship includes intimacy, grace, discipline, freedom, faithfulness, and repentance, which is contrary to the perils that people experience without God.

The Heart of Christian Community

Jim Leffel
Matthew 22:37-38

What does it mean to worship God? Is it a worship service or service of worship? There are radically differing answers to this question. What does the Bible say about it? Paul explains we should present our bodies as living and holy sacrifices. This is the way we should worship God. Find out what this looks like and how we can take steps toward this in our own lives.\r\n


Dennis McCallum
Genesis 4:1-16

Cain and Abel offer sacrifices to God, but they are received with different reactions. Abel's was looked on with favor by God, but Cain's was not. Cain's sacrifice represented a ritualistic approach to relating with God, while Abel's was based on faith. Cain allowed his emotional state of bitterness and jealousy affect his behavior, and he murdered his brother. Cain exemplifies a fallen man putting himself at the center, resulting in conflict with God and others.

Christians in a Pluralistic World

Dennis McCallum
Acts 17:1-33

Paul continues his missionary journey. He preaches and persuades others about Christ's death and resurrection. Pluralism is a common view in this culture. Paul engages people and their cultural views. He finds common ground with them, challenges them, and teaches them about the character of God. Because Paul is distressed about the idol worship, he gives a convincing speech about the truth of God. Today postmodern pluralism is the common worldview. Taking Paul's approach can be effective in our day. God's desire to have a relationship with every person is the same today as it was back then. Presenting truth in a sensitive and persuasive way is essential.\r\n

Stephen's Defense

Dennis McCallum
Mark 7:8

Many people believe worshiping God has to be done in a special building, at a specific time, or with certain actions or rituals. What does God have to say about sacred space and tradition? What is formalism and how do we fall into it? See what Acts has to say through the defense of Christianity that Stephen gives to a group of devout Jews.\r\n

Two Decisions

Dennis McCallum
Luke 14:28-35

Who do you think Jesus is? Your answer has immense implications, in this life and the next. Jesus asks us not only to trust in his free gift of eternal life, but also to entrust our earthly lives to Him as well. This life of discipleship will cost us everything we have, but in return we'll experience an exciting, fulfilling earthly life and an eternity full of rewards.

Right and Wrong Boasting

Gary DeLashmutt
Isaiah 64:6

Paul writes to the Corinthian Christians to instruct them on right and wrong boasting. There are some things about which God says boasting is forbidden. But there are other things about which it is good and important to boast. It's okay to boast as long as you "boast in the Lord". Have you forsaken all boasting in your own works, and personally put your trust only in Christ's work for you?