Jesus, Our Substitute

Mike Sullivan
Mark 14:1-16:8

Mark details the events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection where He, the innocent One, dies for the guilty as a substitute.  

"Behold, Your King"

Scott Risley
John 18:28-19:30

Jesus came to earth to pay for all your sins.  He fulfilled all the prophecies.  You could let Him nail your sins to the cross or you can pay for them yourself.  The choice is up to you.

The Most Important Event in History

Dennis McCallum
John 19:1-30

Dennis chronicles the most important event in history where Jesus is crucified for the sins of the world.  Everyone of us has a certificate of debt that Jesus is willing to nail to His cross.  What will you do about your certificate of debt?

The Time Has Come

Scott Risley
John 12:12-33

Finally, after years of saying His time had not come, Jesus is ready to reveal His true identity.  He rides into Jerusalem on a donkey's colt just as Scripture had prophesied in Zechariah.