The Parable of the Dragnet

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 13:47-52

Jesus discusses the parable of the dragnet with his disciples, which communicates that at the return of the King Messiah, he will establish God's dominion world-wide and separate the "righteous" and the "wicked". The only difference between the "righteous" and the "wicked" in God's eyes is that the righteous have asked for Jesus' forgiveness and not relied on their own righteousness to get in right standing with God. In addition, this parable teaches that some who consider themselves "Christians" will be revealed at the end of the age to not have actually put their faith in Jesus Christ.

Vision of Future Glory

Jim Leffel
Daniel 12:1-4

In Daniel's vision of the angel Michael, he is told that all people will live forever and will be accountable for what they've done. Jesus' resurrection contains a promise that those who receive his free gift of salvation will be put into the Book of Life and raised to eternal life. Those who are raised will be glorified, receiving a restored body, identity, character, and knowledge. God's vast record of fulfilled promises assures us that He will fulfill His word about these things.

The Unfinished Business of History

Jim Leffel
Daniel 11:1-12:13

All throughout Daniel's visions of kingdoms, there are hints of a kingdom distinct from but related to Rome, that has not come yet. This final kingdom is connected with Rome because Rome has come to be an ultimate symbol of human corruption. It is also connected with Antiochus Epiphanes because it will have an evil ruler who claims divinity, commits unparalleled violence, and coincides with a time of great tribulation. After this 7 year period of tribulation, Jesus will return to set things right.

The Flow of History (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Revelation 5:5-9

Many of Daniel's prophecies refer to God's kingdom, promised to the throne of David to be a blessing to all the nations. The ruler of this kingdom is called the "Son of Man," said to be more than an ordinary man, a king and priest who is paradoxically killed. Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of these prophecies and, as Daniel said, he will return to rule. God has etched His purpose and character into history so that we might respond to His call to the freedom of His kingdom.

The Flow of History (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Daniel 8:20-22

Predictive prophecy is God's revelation of His plan for history. This is important for us because God wants us to know what He is doing and has done so that it can be an objective foundation for faith. Biblical prophecy should be interpreted in light of its self-interpretation, its context in the Bible, and by known history. The visions that Daniel receives correspond to a succession of kingdoms in history, and indicate the end of history: that justice and grace will triumph, and that the Son of Man will rule.

A Dream of Future Kingdoms

Jim Leffel
Daniel 2:1-47

Daniel's interpretation of King Nebuchadnezzar's dream gives a framework for specific, verifiable visions from God. Through this interpretation, God revealed a succession of human kingdoms from Babylon, Persia, Greece, and finally to Rome and man's final kingdom. This illustrates the difference between human kingdoms, whose fortune is volatile, and God's kingdom that endures forever. The purpose of prophecy in the Bible is to allow for an informed faith and to provide reason to believe what God says in every area.

The Day of the Lord

Jeff Gordon
Daniel 9:27

An explanation of three events around the end of time on earth: the Great Tribulation, the Day of the Lord and the Rapture, with Pre-Tribulation Rapture and Post-Tribulation Rapture scenarios discussed. In response, we are to be on guard, stay alert and protected by the armor of faith and love. Encouragement and building each other up are also vital to our spiritual health.

Gospel and Apocalypse

Jim Leffel
Mark 13:1-24

In a single teaching, Jesus predicts both the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and the end of the world. Near the end of human history, the world will get progressively worse as people become distant from God. But in the end, Jesus will return and set things right.

God's Strategy in Human History

Dennis McCallum
Romans 10:3-11:29

Even in the Old Testament, God has not wanted to relate to people through works, but instead through grace and faith! The nation of Israel thought that they could keep the law themselves. And, though they have been God's chosen people throughout all of human history, He chose to stop working through them for a time because they rejected His grace and subsequently, hardened their hearts. This does not mean that God has forgotten or rejected the Jews, He will still carry out His promises to the Jews after the Church Age. God is continuing to execute His vast, eternal plan of rescue and is choosing to use anyone and everyone who wants to following Him.