The Corrosive Effects of Envy

Conrad Hilario
Psalms 73:1-28

This Psalm by Asaph reveals the inner struggle of a believer dealing with envy. Undealt with, envy can cause depression, self-pity, bitterness, and anger toward God. To escape the clutches of envy, a believer must realize the cost of his envy and take his envy to God, trusting God to reveal the root beliefs and attitudes behind the envy, and allowing God to help root the envy out of his heart.

Supernatural Living!

Jim Leffel
Galatians 5:13

Romans 8 describes God's great rebuilding program, addressing the brokenness that troubles all of us, including those who have a relationship with God through Christ. The first part of the chapter focuses on the Holy Spirit's role in allowing us to find freedom from the domination and defeat of sin that God says is possible. This is not accomplished through our effort, but by God's Spirit indwelling us, changing us from the inside out. The passage lists 3 main ways in which the Spirit works: he leads, he testifies to God's love for us, and he intercedes for us. Our part is to "walk by the Spirit" and to set our minds on God's truth.

Ishmael and Isaac

Mike Sullivan
Genesis 21:1-7

Through the story of the births of Ishmael and Isaac, we see two different ways of following God: one based on self-reliance, and the other based on trusting God to keep his promises. Self-reliance tends to lead to problems and defeat, while trusting in God's promises often involves waiting, but leads to peace and the experience of God's faithfulness.

Is the Law Sinful?

Paul Alexander
Romans 7:7-25

Paul defends the God's complete grace by posing its opponents' question, "Is the Law sinful?" Paul answers that the problem is not the Law, but how it is being used--as a remedy instead of a diagnostic tool to point us to our need for God. Paul says the Law exposes our slavery to sin, and instead of this defeating us, it can cause us to look to God in dependence for His awaiting provision--forgiveness through Christ and His empowerment to move out of enslaving sin.

Spiritual Priorities

Ryan Lowery
Genesis 25:27-34

After defining faith as believing God's promises and putting them into action, the author of Hebrews now writes about making God's priorities our priorities. It's easy to agree with priorities like living in peace with others and forgiveness, but when we are faced with putting those things into action, we often find that we hold competing priorities and it is easier said than done. Often it is our choices that reveal what our top priorities are.

Should We Continue to Sin?

Ryan Weingartner
Romans 6:1-13

In Romans 6, Paul addresses the logical question that arises from grace--couldn't we go on sinning if we're completely forgiven? Paul argues that while it would not jeopardize our forgiveness or relationship with God, sinning is not helpful and is not necessary for Christians. Paul says we have a new life "in Christ" and we are no longer under sin's authority. As we recognize these identity truths in humility and prayer, consider them, and present ourselves to act on them, we will find the ability to overcome even defeating sins.

Walking in Faith

Ryan Lowery
Hebrews 12:1-4

Having defined faith, the author of Hebrews now explains how to walk in faith--orienting our lives more toward living for God. We do this by learning from the example of others, agreeing with God about the burden of sin, not quitting the race, and remembering that spiritual growth is a process.

The Enduring Word

Ben Foust
1 Peter 1:22-2:3

Peter explains that unlike human words, the Word of God (the Bible) is unchanging and enduring, leading us to salvation and bringing about our spiritual growth. Peter urges the reader to long for God's word which, when read regularly, renews the mind, convicts the heart, and nourishes the soul.

The Transforming Power of God

James Rochford
Romans 13:8-14

Paul writes that Christians should lay aside "deeds of darkness" such as drunkenness, sexual immorality, jealousy, and strife, all of which reveal an inner emptiness. Rather, we should put on the "armor of light" by entrusting ourselves to the Lord Jesus and allowing his power to transform us and fill the inner void.