Signs of the Times (Part 4): The Political Scenario of the Last Days

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 17:9-13

Jesus predicts what will occur at the end of human history, mentioning specific political signs that will signal this time period. With supporting passages from Daniel and Revelation, we see that there will be a great eastern power, a unified Europe, and the emergence of the antichrist. Our changing world today points to the plausibility of this type of political scenario taking place in the future.

Effective Ambassadors

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 2:5

Paul refers to the Christian's role in evangelism as being an ambassador for Christ. This is an important opportunity for Christians to be grown by God as we actively follow God into the role He has for us. Sometimes we try to plan for all the possibilities that can arise: I don't want to offend anyone; what if I say the wrong thing; or what if they reject Gods' message? It isn't possible to never give offense, because His message offends people who are too proud to admit their need for grace. God wants us to expose the emptiness of life in the world so that people are attracted to the positive lifestyle available to them through Christ.

The Flood

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 4-7

The Flood narrative generates many questions and controversies. The Bible presents a story, and the Earth provides some persuasive evidence for this supernatural event. While unique in human history, the Flood presented in Scripture has application today, especially in relation to free will.