
Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 1:28-29

Many modern churches fail to teach that every member can and should learn to become a disciple maker. Many think that is a job for the church leader, but Paul is clear everyone should be intentionally helping other Christians toward spiritual maturity. It is the privilege and responsibility of every Christian to invest consistent effort over a long period of time in another Christian by depending upon God's Spirit for wisdom, stamina and patient love.

The Confluence of Character and Competence in Leadership

Josh Benadum
2 Timothy 2:24

Leadership and character are related but they ae not the same. This workshop dives into how Christ-like character and leadership are connected and seeks to demonstrate how pursuing Christ-like character should lead to greater effectiveness in serving God. Thesis: Growth in character ought to drive development in competency as a leader. Expanding leadership influence must be sustained by continued growth in character.

Discipling High School Students

Doug O'Malley
2 Timothy 2:2

Making disciples from the Gen Z age bracket can be confusing yet, Jesus still calls us to do it. The gospel has always found a way to break through each generation. This workshop will look into the unique barriers to discipling high school student today, as well as practical ideas for how to do it well.

Jesus' Invitations:Matthew 11

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 11:28-30

Jesus invites everyone to come to Him and receive rest for their souls. This is not a rest that is the cessation of labor, but a rest that refreshes which no other force on earth can offer. It is the 'rest' of reconciliation with God, resulting in an active, fruitful love relationship with Jesus.

The Calling

Ryan Lowery
Luke 5:1-11

The people that Jesus called to be his disciples were not the most educated, moral, or highly esteemed people, but instead were people willing to listen to what Jesus had to say, weigh it as evidence for his lordship, and respond in trusting obedience. Jesus makes the same call to all of us, first, to have us consider his existence and offer of forgiveness, then, having responded to that offer, calling us to trust him, take small steps of obedience, and serve him.

Jesus and His Disciples

Ben Foust
John 1:35-50

People started out skeptical of the claims Jesus was the Messiah. But spending time with Jesus quickly changes people's opinion of him. Something about Jesus makes people want to show him to others. All we really have to do is share what we know with who we know.\r\nGod knows us as we are. Because of Jesus Christ, he accepts us before we even show up. He has a plan and a vision that perfectly fits our life. Our only role is to come and see.

Preach the Word

Ben Foust
2 Timothy 4:1-5

Paul exhorts Timothy to let the Word of God be his foundation and not let anyone budge him away from it. It is the avenue in which people can be saved. The Word is truth from God. It is revelation from God, not human speculation. It is useful for transforming, over time, new believers into capable workers for God. Paul sums up his main point as, "Go, preach the Word!"

What Is Wrong with the World

Ben Foust
2 Timothy 3:1-15

Paul charges Timothy to confront false teachings in the church. Paul tells him the false teachers are on a path divergent from Timothy's path. The false teachers' path is based on lies and will not lead to fulfilling God's purpose, but Timothy is on a true and better path that, though it includes suffering and persecution, will accomplish God's purpose. \r\nPaul calls Timothy to do three things: To realize, to avoid and to continue. \r\nTimothy must realize the trajectory of the world. Because people are fallen and have rejected God, the world will only go from bad to worse. The world is full of people who are lovers of self rather than God. \r\nTimothy must avoid the influence of the way of the world. Do not be captivated by the worldly allure of living for self. It is a powerful current that must be resisted. \r\nInstead, continue in the better way, the way Timothy had been taught since youth, the way of Jesus Christ. The gospel is the antidote to the life built on self.

A Mindset for Multiplying

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 2:1-7

In Paul's final letter to Timothy, he explains how to transmit the legacy of the Gospel through the passing on of the Gospel message to individuals, from life to life. Jim Leffel explains how we can carry on this disciple-making process today.