Why This Waste?

Dennis McCallum
Mark 14:3-9

While in the home of Simon, a woman sacrifices a vial of perfume and pours it over Jesus' head. While Judas Iscariot and others are furious at the woman for wasting the perfume, Jesus praises the woman's faith. The underlying principle of this story is that the woman was not living for the temporary, but for the eternal. In light of what Jesus did at the cross, the sacrifice of material things doesn't compare with the thrilling commitment to radically following him. Christians are called to adopt Jesus' values over the world's values when we come to faith in him.

Victory in the Pressure Cooker of Life

Jim Leffel
James 2:20-22

James explained that enduring suffering strengthens your faith. Suffering is painful, but God can use it in our lives, and so it is not in vain that we suffer. Suffering is confusing, but it is also an opportunity for us to turn to God and rely on His strength.

Being Ready for the Coming of the Son of Man

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 25:1-43

Jesus teaches his disciples through three separate stories what it means to be ready for the coming of the Son of Man. The first, a parable about ten virgins, teaches that there will be many who profess themselves to be Christians, or nominal Christians, that will not be ready for Jesus' return. The second, a parable of the talents, teaches the principle of stewarding the resources God has given us before He returns. The last parable is about the sheep and goats, and shows the urgency of serving Jesus by serving those in real need. In light of what God has given us, Christians are called to consider how their lives reflect stewardship.

What It Means to "Be Ready"

Scott Risley
Matthew 25:1-46

As we live in these Last Days, no one knows when Jesus will return, so we need to be ready at all times. God will let you live your life as you choose, but He will call you to give an account at the end. Will you be found faithful?

Overcoming Our Fears

Gary DeLashmutt
Isaiah 8:12

When we focus on our fear, the object of our fear begins to grow, and our view of God begins to shrink. When we put our focus on God, He will grow, and our fears will be diminished. Our reverence for God for who He is and His power drives out our fears of the world. We have to practice doing this reactively when situations of fear come up in our life. We must go to scripture to reaffirm in our hearts who God is, His power, and ask for help.

A Trustworthy Statement

Jim Leffel
Romans 9:31

Paul leads us through his statement on why we can be confident in God's promises to us. God has not chosen us to improve us, He wants to make us entirely new and the be heirs to His promises. God has provided for us in every way so that we can live for God and go out and represent Him to the world and share Christ without fear.

The Last Shall Be First

Scott Risley
Matthew 20:1-16

This parable where the late workers get paid as much as the early workers often bother people when they first hear it. It offends our self-righteous sense of justice. Our flesh cries out, "That's not fair!" God's grace is very different from what we expect. The more self-righteous we are, the more offensive grace is to us. God's undeserved grace is central to Scripture which clearly depicts the cross as the only way to salvation. The gracious soul discovers "...that blessing has been received from God while we were yet unworthy and undevoted."

The Deep Mysteries of Grace

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 20:1-16

Jesus teaches about the Kingdom of God through a parable about the laborers. This parable reveals a lot about God's perspective of grace, perhaps the controlling theme of the Bible. Problems often arise when we do not deeply understand God's grace. When Christians deeply understand and live under grace, we understand our lack of worthiness before God, and yet are incredibly grateful that Jesus paid the way for us to have a new standing before Him. Under grace, we are freed up to love and serve others because of the security that comes from being under grace. Grace was revealed through Jesus paying for human sin on the cross so we could have access to this incredibly undeserved relationship with God.

Responding to God's Moral Correction

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 32:1-9

Our natural way to address our sin is to deny its sinfulness in many different ways and to hide from it. But God is calling us to come to Him and address the sin in confession, repentance, and ask for His great compassion to blot out our transgressions. The church is for people who know they are sinners not for those who think they have no sin to confess.