Discipling a New Generation (18-25 year olds)

Ryan Lowery
Jess Lowery
2 Timothy 2:2

Ryan and Jessica Lowery, leaders in Xenos' college ministry, discuss what discipleship is and what it looks like specifically with college students. According to Scripture, a disciple follows Christ's teachings, puts Christ first and is willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of others, and bears much fruit. Ryan talks in more detail about what these things look like in the life of college students, and Jessica focuses the discussion on the aspects of teaching and training in discipleship. She also gives practical advice for how to get started in the work of discipleship as well as how to identify appropriate content for those discipleship relationships.

The Tools for Producing Leaders

Waylon Moore
2 Timothy 2:2

The method is the message, meaning the way in which we choose to mentor and disciple will be passed down as those who we invest in model after us. We must take care to impart the message, teachings, and lifestyle of Christ to others so that they will follow him. Dr. Moore focuses especially on the importance of training others in learning and interpreting scripture, and practical solutions for doing so.

How to Know the Will of God

Dennis McCallum
Acts 11:1-16

Believers who truly want to know God's will see His will as a treasure and are continually seeking to live life God's way. For the grey areas of decision, perhaps not made clear through Scripture, here are a few others ways of discerning His will (all accompanied with prayer): 1) direct divine revelation; 2) providential circumstances; 3) inner spiritual prompting; 4) correlated leading; 5) spiritual expediency; and 6) the provision of spiritual fruit being borne. Usually the convergence of these (sometimes along with mature counsel and personal desires and gifts) allows a believer to gain a sense of God's will.

Four Witnesses to Christ's Authority

Dennis McCallum
Luke 24:44-47

Jesus gives us reason to believe in who He is and what He claims. He points to the Scriptures as one of many witnesses to Himself. Throughout the Old Testament we read systems of symbols as well as direct predictive declarations that point to Christ. In the book of Daniel, the year Christ is crucified is predicted with great accuracy. It is not only faith building but it authenticates the claims of Christ. All over the Old Testament prophecy exists and has been fulfilled.

Considered Ethically and Theologically

Dennis McCallum
Romans 14:22

We are not called to blindly follow any governing body and subject ourselves to them in moral matters. We look into the theology of Islam which calls on those who follow it to act based on rules in the Koran. We also look at the history of the Christian church and its' own actions in the past. We do not have any calling in the Bible to create a Christian power government in any country. Our kingdom lies with God in heaven, we are here to guide people to His love and His good news.

Loving Others with our Gifts

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 10:24-25

The spiritual gifts that God has given us are meant to be used for the edification of the church. God has given some the gift of tongues which is personally edifying, and only edifying for the church when there is an interpreter. God still works powerfully in our world today, but He doesn't work miracles to help people in a quest for self promotion, His power is given to edify and embolden the Body of Christ.

The Exodus: Lessons in Spiritual Growth

Dennis McCallum
Deuteronomy 1:2-3

Idolatry and pride hindered the Jews led by Moses out of Egypt, and these same issues were present in the Corinthian church. Often we don't accept God's provisions in our life because we wanted something else. This shows that we trust our own hearts more than God's plans and provisions for our lives.

Keeping it Together in a World Falling Apart (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 4:1-4

Toward the end of human history, people will become increasingly selfish and concerned with satisfying their own desires. Spirituality, then, will follow suit and feature doctrines that are centered on increasing self-esteem, pleasure, and prosperity. This new spirituality will even redefine truth as individual and validated by one's own feelings instead of external sources. The Bible's message of forgiveness only through Jesus Christ, however, is the message that can best meet people's needs, and Christians should boldly preach, declare, and apply God's Word to the watching world.

Keeping it Together in a World Falling Apart (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 4:12

Towards the end of human history, humanity will turn towards selfishness and a growing coldness towards other people. This trend will produce religion that is centered around meeting people's felt needs rather than the truth, but unfortunately this type of religion will not relieve the legitimate guilt that people feel or meet people's true relational needs. Authentic Christianity, however, features direct revelation from God through the Bible, and this revelation is both powerful and accessible. All Christians are capable of learning the truths of the Bible and becoming convinced of its validity and usefulness through personal interaction with God and study. A video testimony from Kyle Hanser is included.