The Solution to Spiritual Starvation

James Rochford
1 Peter 1:23-2:3

The solution to spiritual starvation is to take in the Word of God on a regular basis just as we take in food to feed our bodies. Explore the Bible and discover what it claims it can do. Humble yourself and read the Word and you will discover it is transcendent truth, alive and active, and able to bring spiritual growth. Recognize your need for the Word and spend time in the Word and you will find yourself connecting with God.

The One Thing

Mike Sullivan
Psalms 27

From where did David's courage come? It came from being near to God. The one thing he was passionate about was to be near to God all the days of his life. Because David saw God in nature, in the things He had made, and in his Word, he was able to draw courage even in times of great difficulty and ongoing crisis. Because David could see the goodness of God in the land of the living, he could pour out his heart to God and recount what he knew of God and be at peace as he waited on the Lord.

Meditating on God's Word

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 1

The majority of the Psalms are prayers, but the first two Psalms are not. They instead teach us truths that are crucial to effective prayer. An effective prayer life is ignited, sustained and guided by God's Word. Unlike eastern religions where you are instructed to empty your mind, the Bible says to fill your mind with God's Word, to meditate day and night, to abide in His Word. This will result in genuine happiness as we become like a tree planted by streams of water rather than chaff that is blown away by the breeze.

A Prayerful Anthem to God's Word

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 119

Psalm 119 is the longest Psalm in the Bible. It is useful for finding insight into how one can improve one's prayer-life. Meditation on God's Word is the foundation of a good prayer-life and a healthy relationship with God. This Psalm emphasizes the Word of God and prayer (petition). The first insight we can gain is affliction provides indispensable motivation to learn and trust God's Word and nothing sustains and comforts us in our affliction like God's Word. The second insight is the "freedom" of assertive selfishness results in constriction but true freedom is living according to God's revealed design.

Dealing with Negativity and Cynicism

Scott Risley
Philippians 4:8-9

It seems that humans are innately biased toward negativity. Certainly, there is enough in this world that is negative. We are a fallen people living in a fallen world. But to focus on the negative is to deny the reality of a good God, a very good God. Christians have access to a reality that has overcome the evil in this world. Paul calls us not to focus on the negatives but on all the good things that come from God.

Four Steps Toward Spiritual Progress

Chris Hearty
Philippians 3:10-16

The four steps toward spiritual progress begins with desiring to know Jesus better and more intimately, to know the power of his resurrection, to share in his sufferings and to be like him in his death. The second step involves a single-minded, focused pursuit of Jesus. The third step is to break form the power of the past whether feeling guilt or nostalgia for it. Learn from it, don't live in it. The final step is to respond to God's guidance whether from personal prayer, or bible study, or from the fellowship of mature believers.

Jesus Tempted

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 4:1-21

Matthew 4 tells the story of Jesus' successful struggle against temptation in the wilderness, as he was confronted by Satan who sought to entice him. Satan used 3 approaches that are the same approaches he uses with us: the "lust of the eyes," the "lust of the flesh," and the "boastful pride of life." Jesus demonstrates how we can successfully counter the deception of temptation by knowing the truth, being on our guard, and fighting against it, in part, by examining our thinking.

Three Keys to Perseverance

Jim Leffel
Romans 15:1-6

The three keys to perseverance Paul lays out in Romans 15 are 1. To react to challenges victoriously, to have perseverance, one must have an outward focus, and not be selfish. But recognize others have a claim on us to build them up in the Lord. 2. Be strengthened by the inspiring examples of faithful followers of God preserved in Scripture and 3. Let God speak to our thinking through his people and through his Word, so that we can come together with one mind and one purpose.

Preach the Word

Ben Foust
2 Timothy 4:1-5

Paul exhorts Timothy to let the Word of God be his foundation and not let anyone budge him away from it. It is the avenue in which people can be saved. The Word is truth from God. It is revelation from God, not human speculation. It is useful for transforming, over time, new believers into capable workers for God. Paul sums up his main point as, "Go, preach the Word!"