The Two Foundations

Jim Leffel
Matthew 7:24-27

How do you know your foundation? Jesus speaks on the lives of people who build their foundation; either those who live by his words, or those whose foundation is on shifting sands that can't hold up to lifes' turmoil. Are you building your foundation on your possessions or on your status? We can build on a foundation of rock which is based on God's love, truth, and grace. Audio of Bob Dylans' ?A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall?.

Lessons on Prayer

Ryan Lowery
Acts 12:1-17

When Peter is arrested and put on death row, God miraculously saves him as an answer to prayer. There are four principles about prayer to be learned: 1) God does not always answer prayer; 2) persistence in prayer is important; 3) corporate prayer is important; and 4) it is important not to miss answered prayers.

The Seven Seals

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 6:1-17

John describes a scroll with seven seals that needs to be opened ? the consummation of human history. The Lamb of God is the only one able to break the seals, and the seals release forms of judgment. The first is conquest; the second, war; the third, famine; the fourth, death. The fifth and sixth seals released the martyrs and natural disasters. These first six seals mostly represent passive judgment where the earth is already in agony. The question that remains is this: as the situation worsens, will this tribulation period lead people to turn to God?


Ryan Lowery
Acts 3:1-4:23

Persecution is a tactic used by God's enemies to halt authentic Christian movements. When Peter and John are faced with persecution, they choose to proclaim the good news about Jesus. Fear of rejection and idolizing comfort can hold us back from speaking, but like Peter we can choose to trust God and proclaim the gospel. For a variety of reasons, persecuted Christians often are more effective at sharing the gospel.

Letters to the Churches Part 1

Scott Risley
Revelation 2:1-10

It's surprising how quickly good groups can falter. We look at the church of Ephesus and how they had lost their "first love" and abandoned the excitement they had for loving each other and God. The church of Smyrna is encouraged to believe that suffering is real and short and that Jesus is in control. In both cases putting hope in Christ is more powerful than our problems.

The Paradox of Fulfillment (Part 2)

Jim Leffel
Matthew 5:1-12

How is God nudging you? We will learn about the Beatitudes from Jesus, and learn about the attitudes that can move us forward in God's Will or hinder us if we fail to understand them. Beatitudes include: gentleness, righteous hunger, mercy, purity of heart, peacemakers, and persecution.

The Beast

Jeff Gordon
Revelation 13:1-18

John describes The Beast, who appears in the next part of his vision. The Beast is given power from the Dragon (who was described in a previous passage to represent Satan). John describes how The Beast will blaspheme God, have a miraculous recovery from an injury, emerge from a Geo-political empire, and gain worldwide dominion during the Great Tribulation. The Beast will persecute God's people and commit The Abomination of Desolation, an act where he will claim to be God. He will deceive many into worshiping him. A second Beast will rise up and support him, initiating the mark of the Beast (which restricts anyone from buying or selling without it). Ultimately, their reign is of complete dominance and control, but as Revelation 11:3-13 shows, God will continue to pursue people and snatch victory from apparent defeat.

The Dragon

Jeff Gordon
Revelation 12

John describes a vision of a great, red dragon that God protects a woman from. The woman is pregnant and gives birth to a child. The dragon pursues her and attacks the rest of her children. The dragon represents Satan; the woman represents Israel; and the child represents Jesus. The vision illustrates how there is a hidden war going on around us, and Satan uses humans to fight.

The Paradox of Fulfillment (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Matthew 5:1-12

There is great suffering in this world and we have become people who are trying to hide from it and deny it. We turn away from God, but He is the one who we can take comfort in. He is asking for us to place our worries on Him. We must be willing to let our hearts break.