Women and the Church

Mike Sullivan
Romans 16:1

What role can women have in the church? This topic is a controversial one. Are women able to teach and lead? This teaching covers this very topic.

Praying Together

Mike Sullivan
1 Timothy 2:1-10

Prayer is a vital part of doing Christian ministry. This teaching looks in depth at prayer. Why we should pray, how we should pray and more practical steps we can take are all part of this teaching on prayer.

Joy in Relationships

Jim Leffel
1 John 3:2

Our culture is extremely autonomous. We value independence and freedom above all else. However, at the same time, reports of loneliness have skyrocketed. People have very few real friends. A look at how to build relationships with people and how to experience true joy through relationships.


Ben Foust
2 Corinthians 5:16-17

The church faces another obstacle: factious disunity. Why is division such a big threat to the church, and what can we do to diligently preserve our unity?\r\n

An Audience of One

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 3:8-23

Corinth struggled in many areas including following human leaders instead of God. Serving just the Lord, eternal life, and how we should not store up treasures here on earth are all covered.

Working Together

Scott Risley
1 Corinthians 1:10-13

Paul addresses the divisiveness and factions that have formed in the church at Corinth and provides them with two metaphors, explaining how they are to work together as one unit so that they will receive a reward from God.


Ben Foust
Acts 2:42-47

Luke describes the first Christian church in Jerusalem following Pentecost. From this description, we can glean principles for healthy fellowship, living a fulfilling life in community as God designed.

Did Paul Want to Make Chauvinist Churches?

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 16:1-3

\r\nFormer leaders of the Ephesian church had fallen into gnostic false teaching. They were actively seeking to deceive some of the women in the church and take advantage of their weaknesses. Paul writes Timothy to temporarily not allow women to teach, so that false teaching would not be spread and the women could be equipped not to fall into false teaching. This is an exceptional situation that must be interpreted based on the historical context in which the letter was written. False teaching and unedifying behavior is to be forbidden in the church.

The Corporate Prayer Ministry of the Church

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 11:9-13

Corporate prayer is one of the most important things believers can do to help contribute to the health of the church. Not only did Jesus emphasize praying together but it is the force behind the growth of the church. The church should pray for one another, but they should also pray for people who have not yet come into a relationship with Christ. In Paul's letter to Timothy, he lays out how the church can practically pray together.