Nine Principles of "Body Life"

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 12

Paul refers to the church as the Body of Christ. Each person is a part of the body and they interdependently rely on one another to build up the health of the church. We grow in love and understanding as we build authentic deep relationships in a unified group of believers.

The Body of Christ (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:15-16

Christians are called to be a part of a Christian community where they share in fellowship. Christian community (the church) is referred to as the Body of Christ, Jesus is the head of this body and people in the church are parts of the body. When we all come together in truth and love as diverse people with different strengths we are able to interdependently do God's work and experience God's love through one another.

Women, Men and Servanthood

Dennis McCallum
Galatians 3:28

Paul wanted the Corinthian church to maximize their witness within their culture, so he called for certain cultural gender norms to be followed as to increase the spread of the Gospel. God and Paul both taught equality for men and women, as different but equal beings. God called men to lead in sacrificial love in the context of marriage.

Strife Between Brothers

Dennis McCallum
Romans 5:1

There are many different types of conflict that we enter in life, generally God wants us to resolve conflict in a position of humility and doing what's best for the other party. We have been forgiven much by God, so we should be able to forgive most offenses against us. Conflicts can be opportunities to share God's love to a watching world.

Living in Real Spiritual Community

Dennis McCallum
Titus 3:10-11

The Corinthian church was plagued with many moral issues, but God was able to speak powerfully in Corinth. Paul called them to unity and to focus on the Gospel.

Impact on the World

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 5:13-16

Continuing the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus instructs his followers the kind of impact he wants them, and us, to have in the world. Using the analogies of salt and light, Jesus urges them to be involved but distinct, and have their lives reflect the love that they have found in Christ. Do our communities impact others in this way?

Three Lessons in Narrative

Dennis McCallum
Luke 9:46-56

We can learn a lot about Jesus in these three interactions with His disciples. The disciples are concerned with who is the greatest among them, competition with people outside of their group doing God's work, and their hatred of the Samaritans. Jesus confronts them with the fact that the greatest in His kingdom has the humility of a child, that those who aren't against them are for them, and that He came to love and save everyone.