The Great and Small - Forgiveness

Dennis McCallum
Luke 7

Jesus' interaction with a centurion reveals the nature of what makes great faith. The centurion's faith amazed Christ and was characterized by humility, trusting in God's Word, and asking but not demanding from Jesus. Jesus challenged the Pharisees lack of forgiveness, highlighting their misguided spirituality. True spirituality is exemplified by radical love and forgiveness that comes from an understanding of God's love and forgiveness towards unworthy sinners.

Sermon on the Plain (Part 3): Judging Others

Dennis McCallum
Luke 6

Jesus shows the distinction between unrighteous judgment and needed discernment and judgment. Discerning judgment is based on moral right and wrong from God's Word and is centered around truth and falsehood. On the other hand, unrighteous judgment concerns itself with judging others' motives and condemning others. When we humbly focus on our own personal character growth with God instead of focusing on others failings, God is able to help us avoid self-righteous judgment and look to help others to grow with God.

Sermon on the Plain (Part 1): Jesus vs. Legalistic Religion

Dennis McCallum
Luke 6

Jesus' sermon on the plain highlights genuine faith versus legalistic religion. Jesus taught that a life characterized by humility, suffering, and self-denial leads to real happiness. Jesus' teaching opposed the prideful, self-righteous attitudes of the Pharisees as he encouraged sacrificial love as the highest priority. As we learn to give like Christ, we'll experience God meeting our needs in a real way.

Reaching Rejects: Matthew's Party

Dennis McCallum
Luke 5

Jesus' healing of a paralytic and a man with leprosy demonstrates his radical concern for the outcast within society. He goes a step further by commissioning Levi, a tax collector, to follow him. Tax collectors were despised within society, but Jesus had compassion and sought those who were rejected to be his followers instead of those who didn't think they needed help. Jesus' love for sinners and those who are helpless demonstrated God's radical love to those who are undeserving.

The Sin of Self-Righteousness

Dennis McCallum
Luke 18:9-14

The religious paradox is that people who believe they are righteous commit wrongdoing when they pass judgment on others who do not meet their standards. In this way, religious self-righteousness is sinful and self-contradictory. Paul addresses the problems of the religious mindset that had permeated Judaism in Rome.

Jesus Vs. False Religion

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 23:1-28

Dennis McCallum defines false religion as a man-centered twisting of Christianity, in which people care more about looking good in front of other people than what is pleasing to God. God rejects the self-righteousness and hypocrisy involved with false religion and calls us to focus on what matters most to Him: justice, mercy, and faith. McCallum teaches on ways to recognize legalism and offers a healthier alternative to growing spiritually.

Matthew's Party

Dennis McCallum
John 9:39-41

Jesus showed compassion and love to the despised and sinful people of his day. Jesus partied with Matthew, a despised tax collector, and invited him to become a disciple. Jesus came to heal the sinners, rather than saving those who thought they were righteous.