Putting on the New You

Scott Risley
Colossians 3:12-17

As we live out of the new identity God has given us, we experience a new way of relating with others. This new lifestyle is characterized by love towards others, extending forgiveness based on God's forgiveness towards us, and an attitude of thanksgiving as we move into others' lives.

Slaves and Masters

Jim Leffel
Colossians 3:22-4:1

When Paul writes about slaves and masters, he is addressing the topic of justice in a fallen world. The Bible offers a fundamentally unique basis for this kind of justice, by speaking of human dignity and of Christian community as a new social order. Believers are to follow the example of Christ's serving love, even in the face of injustice.

Doing All in the Name of Christ

Mike Sullivan
Colossians 3:17

Doing all in the name of the Lord Jesus is living for God's interests in every part of our lives. This is how we worship God and how we were designed to live. As we surrender ourselves to Him, He works through our words and through our deeds to love people for His glory. This is a supernatural lifestyle that can only be lived out as we develop a lifestyle of gratitude through Jesus to God the Father.\r\n

Parents and Children

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 6:1-4

The ethics of the Bible are pertinent to the family. Children are called to obedience and honor towards their parents. Parents are to have the goal of cultivating lifelong followers and servants of Christ. Ultimately, Biblical parenting is immensely beneficial for both children and for parents.

Loving God Through Thankfulness

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 3:15-17

Because of God's great love for us, Paul encourages us to embrace a lifestyle of loving God through thankfulness. Biblical thankfulness is based on God's gift of salvation and is rooted in choice not in feelings. Giving thanks to God is important because it is the only sane response to His incredible grace. It is key to putting aside a self-centered lifestyle and to growing spiritually. Cultivating thankfulness is a lifelong process and many practical ideas are given for thoughtful consideration.\r\n

Husbands and Wives

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 5:21-22

It is clear that the ethical thinking of Christianity has been very progressive, as Christ turns traditional gender-based power structures on their head. The Bible presents husbands and wives as unified equals. The Bible calls wives to allow their husbands to lead as husbands are called to love their wives with the sacrificial love of Christ.

A Life Changed By God (Part 1)

Ryan Lowery
Colossians 3:12-13

Once we become Christians, we have a new identity. When we invite God into our life, we have the choice to let Him use us to change the world, but we have to say yes to Him changing us first. In the apostle Paul's letter to the Colossians, he lists two ways God wants to grow us: teaching us to put others first and how to forgive others.

The Path to Spiritual Maturity (Part 2)

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 3:5-17

Part two of a two-part series on the path to spiritual maturity. Paul encourages the Colossians to embrace a lifestyle consistent with what God has provided us through Christ. He urges them to ?put aside? a self-centered way of life and to ?put on? an other-centered, loving lifestyle. As we cultivate a mental focus on ?the things above? (part one) and replace a selfish lifestyle with a loving one (part two), God changes us from the inside out.

Christian Life & Christian Community

Jim Leffel
Colossians 3:12-17

There is a way to live in Christian community that transforms lives. The foundation for love is that we have received both motivation from being loved by God, and capacity from having a new identity. On this basis, we are able to reflect God's love in a way that is based on His Word as we let Him rule in our hearts.