King David's Downfall

Scott Risley
2 Samuel 11-12

David learns that if temptations are not dealt with immediately, the desires they stimulate give birth to sinful actions. When he hid his sin, he was miserable, but when he turned back to God, he received grace and mercy. There still were severe consequences but also new birth, a son, Solomon.

Two Lost Sons

Patrice McCormac
Luke 15:11-132

The parable of the prodigal son is really about the extravagant love of the father. Jesus is reproaching the self-righteous Pharisees for thinking their moral righteousness is what gets them right with God instead of the humble repentance eventually displayed by the younger son

David and Bathsheba

Conrad Hilario
Psalms 51

Although David experienced his greatest spiritual defeat when he gave in to his lust for Bathsheba, he repented immediately upon being confronted by the prophet Nathan. His sins were grievous, but he went before the Lord and acknowledged them and accepted responsibility for his actions. He recognized that he had primarily grieved God by his sin.

What Is God Like?

Dennis McCallum
Luke 15

Because Jesus' critics do not understand what God is like, He gives them three parables to challenge their wrong understanding. In the first two, He recounts the joy one feels when something valuable is lost and then found. The third is the parable of the prodigal son, which actually is about the grace and mercy the father has for not only his reprobate son who, after squandering his inheritance, returns repentant, but also for the ungrateful son who remained behind.

The Lowest Point

Dennis McCallum
1 Samuel 4-7

The story of the Ark of the Covenant being lost to the Philistines is the story of God repudiating the idea that man can use spiritual magic to control God. The Israelites tried to use the Ark as a magical item to attain victory in battle but God did not honor that use of the Ark. The Israelites were badly defeated and had the Ark stolen by the Philistines.


Jim Leffel
Hebrews 4:1-13

The author of Hebrews urges his readers to turn to God today if we hear his voice. God desires to bring us into his rest and peace, but first this requires that we listen and obey His direction for our life.

Becoming Peacemakers

Ken Sande
Hebrews 4:1-13

The Divine Justice of the Plagues

Conrad Hilario
Exodus 7-10

The ten plagues of Egypt were not just God's judgment against Pharaoh but also against Egypt's many gods. Each plague revealed the impotence of each of their gods and the power of the one true God. God was very patient with Pharaoh and gave him many chances to humble himself but Pharaoh remained prideful even to the very end when he lost his firstborn son. Although he allowed the Jews to leave, he then pursued them to the Red Seas and perished there with his whole army.

Three Practical Guidelines for Prayer

Gary DeLashmutt
James 5:13-20

James has three practical guidelines for prayer. He encourages the cultivation of the habit of ongoing individual prayer. Involve other Christians in your prayer life. And pray for straying Christians.