Principle of Serving Love

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 2:3-7

After you have received the free gift of God's forgiveness, you have the option of learning to follow His way of life, that is, serving love. It is not required, but if you choose not to, you miss out on the best Christianity has to offer, a life full of purpose and meaning. For those who do decide to follow God's way of serving love, expect to be opposed by God's enemy, Satan. We will suffer hardship if we engage in this battle. Paul gives three models of how to deal with this opposition. The first is a soldier in active service, then an Olympic level athlete, and finally a good farmer.

The Mind-set of "Alien" Christians

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Peter 1:10-21

When the Apostle Peter explained our place in God's plan of redemption, he reminds us God had a plan from the beginning of time to rescue us that was kept hidden until Jesus came to earth. Peter challenges us to have a battle mind-set. We have urgency because we are in a battle and on a mission that matters. We have confidence because we are secure in God who has already delivered us from judgment.

Spiritual Lessons from Paul's Associates

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 4:7-17

A study of the associates of Paul who ministered with him can reveal many spiritual lessons. Three lessons we can learn from his fellow-workers in Christ are behind-the-scenes ministry roles are essential, our God is the God of second chances and intercessory prayer is a powerful ministry.

Teaching Our Kids to Be Givers Not Takers

Gloria McCallum
Acts 20:35

Jesus taught that it is more blessed to give than to receive. As parents, we don't have to teach our kids to be selfish or entitled. They are born knowing how to be self-centered. We are bombarded by the culture with messages of being a good parent means being child-centered. But research confirms what Jesus told us. We really are happier when we give sacrificially to others.

Making Disciples

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 2:1-2

Making disciples is about making community where good relationships are formed, people know the Word and people are meeting the needs of others. It is where each person is growing in all respects into Him who is the head, that is Jesus Christ. It is sharing truth in the context of a close personal relationship where you model, help, teach and mentor a younger believer.\r\n

Six Ways to Serve Under Adverse Circumstances

Conrad Hilario
1 Timothy 4:1-16

God is calling you to a life filled with true meaning and purpose. It is not a mistake that God has put you where you are. If God calls you to serve in challenging circumstances, focus on the things you do have control over. Don't be surprised when some people abandon the faith. Keep the central message at the center of what you do. Lead by example. Stand on the authority and power of God's written Word. Remember that God has called, equipped, and commissioned you to carry out your task. People should not only observe what we are, but also what we are becoming.

Embracing a Lifestyle of Love:Toward Non-Christians Part 1

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 3:17-4:1

Spiritual maturity is facilitated by receiving and focusing on God's love toward God, toward other Christians and toward non-Christians. This teaching focuses on sharing God's love toward non-Christians through our actions and deeds in our social roles among family, work, neighbors and community. Showing our love through our deeds will lead to sharing the source of our love. It opens doors for sharing the Love of God through Jesus.

Paul and Pressing On to the End

Patrice McCormac
2 Timothy 4:9-22

In Paul's last imprisonment, just before he was to be executed, he asks Timothy to bring his books when he comes. In his last days Paul continued to have a spiritual mindset. He asked for help from a godly friend. He kept serving even in prison by ministering to the believers not in prison with him. He stayed in the Word. He entrusted himself to the Lord and he kept in close contact with Him.

Embracing a Lifestyle of Love:Toward Other Christians

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 3:12-16

Spiritual maturity is facilitated by receiving and focusing on God's love toward God, toward other Christians and toward non-Christians. This week we examine loving other Christians. God calls us to a love that forges observable unity, a love that humbly serves those who are messy and sinful, and a love that is fueled and informed by God's Word.