Walking According to the Spirit (Part 3)

Dennis McCallum
Romans 8:28-29

Growing in our relationship with God not only involves building up our inner spiritual person, it also requires our outer man be broken. Paul says later in chapter 8, "If by the Spirit, you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live." God uses outward circumstances to crack our outer man, and as that outer man is put to death, the Spirit of God within us become more visible. In order to experience this life out of death, we have to actively cooperate with what God is doing in our lives, reject illegitimate pain reducers, and have a position-oriented perspective.

General Revelation (Part 3)

Dennis McCallum
Romans 1:18-20

Despite the existence of an all-powerful, all-good God, evil still exists in this world. Every worldview has to account for the problem of evil; it is not only a problem for Christians. Looking at atheism, pantheism, animism, and biblical theism, we see that only biblical theism has an answer.

Keys to Suffering Victoriously

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 15:4-13

Paul was not discouraged by his sufferings while imprisoned, but instead was able to endue them victoriously. First, Paul's knowledge of God's plan for humanity gave him confidence. Knowing that God's plan would ultimately be victorious lead to stability and hope in the face of suffering. Paul also knew he was given a unique role in God's plan which gave his suffering meaning. Finally, Paul understood he had personal access to God who would give him all he needed. Personal Testimony shared by Bev DeLashmutt on how she has seen God redeem sufferings from her past to enable her to play her unique role in God's plan.

8 Essential Attitudes (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 13:3-4

Christians should remember those who are ill-treated and are undergoing suffering, as they are all a part of the body of Christ. Christians are instructed to honor marriage that is within God's design - a heterosexual, monogamous relationship. This type of relationship is increasingly rare in our society, but glorifies God and should stand distinct in our world. Those who are non-married should develop skills to be effective in marriage, and those within marriage should have a high priority on creating a God-honoring marriage.

Healthy Emotions

Jeff Gordon
Philippians 4:6-7

Stress can be debilitating, yet the Bible says we can live abundant lives in the midst of even very stressful situations. The common causes of stress in our culture are addressed as well as increased risks associated with stress, such as: premature death, compromised immune systems, memory loss, addictions, and depression. In response, he turns to scripture to offer practical suggestions and a radical perspective that fosters healthier emotions.

The Letter to Smyrna

Patrik Matthews
Revelation 2:8-11

Jesus writes to the church in Smyrna that they are going to undergo suffering due to slander, poverty, and affliction. The ultimate cause of this suffering is Satan. Jesus tells them to not give into their fear - that they can be faithful when they go through suffering because: he has experienced suffering too, he knows what is going to happen to them, and he is able to give them what is truly valuable. We too can look to Jesus' call to faithfulness and pursue what's valuable.

Cultivating a Tender Heart

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 6:12

In the Christian life and ministry there is a need for both toughness and tenderness, a paradox that we all face. We need toughness because Christian work is hard. We face attacks from Satan, failure, doubts, people walking away from God, criticism, and much more at times. In order to withstand this, we must learn how to draw near to God for strength. We do this so that we do not become hardened and self-protective, because Christian work involves exercising sacrificial love repeatedly and moving towards people. There are many consequences if we harden our heart in response, but also practical suggestions for how to cultivate this tender heart.

Strength & Weakness

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 11:30-12:10

Paul's revelations and experiences were used by God to equip Paul for greater service. To prevent pride from creeping in, God allowed a unique type of suffering in Paul's life to cultivate humility before Him. As we experience similar sufferings, we can remember that God has allowed this for His purposes, as we learn to rely less on self and more on Christ's power. God can use suffering in our lives to create a proper boasting in Him rather than our abilities, and allows for a deeper appreciation for who He is.

Two Essential Convictions

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 11:7-29

Paul demonstrates to the Corinthians the importance of living to serve others and having a mind to suffer for Christ. As we live our Christian lives looking to meet others need, we can experience great peace and seeing God work through us in others lives. Christians who develop Paul's attitude toward the suffering in their lives are capable of experiencing deep spiritual transformation as their faith is increased as God works. As we suffer, we are able to see who God really is at a more profound level.