Is Jesus the Only Way of Salvation?

Eric Chabot
Romans 10:13-16

In a culture where many religions are not only present but tolerated and viewed as equally true, we must ensure we understand why we are called to share our faith. Jesus is clear that he is the only way to salvation, and out of concern for others and gratitude for our own salvation, we are called to share this with others. As we do this, we should consider our audience and start on their terms with their current beliefs. We also should balance the call for us to share with the reality of God's sovereignty and his general revelation. God is faithful to reveal himself to all people, but he gives each individual a choice to truth in him personally.

The Living Word and the Creation of Humankind

John Lennox
Genesis 2:4-3:24

Many would believe humans are merely material beings. But by looking at the account of how humans are made in the image of God in Genesis 2 and 3, we can see humans are far more than just material. Humans have 1) an esthetic sense, 2) a curiosity about their environment giving them the ability to do research, 3) the ability to work, 4) a spiritual and moral dimension, 5) the ability to classify, 6) marriage, 7) the ability to sin, and 8) the ability to have eternal life.

The Living Word and the Creation of the Universe

John Lennox
Genesis 1

Creation was not an unguided phenomenon. In the account of creation in Genesis 1, we repeatedly see the words, "And God said." This tells us that God is distinct from the universe and existed before it and that He was the author of creation. This is echoed throughout Scripture, and there is much science to back up the Biblical view of creation as well.

Knowing the Bible for All Its Worth

Douglas Stuart
Revelation 20:4

The Bible is a rich, vast wealth of knowledge, and we should strive to experience the life-changing power of God's Word. This presentation begins with recent scientific discovery about teeth remains at Carnage that stuns skepticism against an inerrant Bible. God's Word rises above skepticism. Beyond that, God's Word truly has life changing capabilities, laced with a power that is fueled by the Spirit. Through providing solutions to challenges in reading the Bible and recognizing incentives for becoming readers of the Word, we can begin knowing the Bible for its true worth.

He Is Risen!

Scott Risley
John 20:1-18

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a hotly debated topic denied by atheist scholars and surprisingly, by many so-called Christian scholars. A common reason for this denial is the belief that the four Gospel accounts are inherently contradictory and cannot be fit together. Fortunately, the four Gospel accounts can be harmonized and the evidence for the resurrection is quite compelling. What do you think is the best explanation of the evidence for the resurrection?

Loving Muslims in an Age of Terrorism (Part 3) - Speaking Like Jesus - Sharing Your Faith with Muslims

Fouad Masri
John 1:4-41

In order to speak like Jesus when sharing our faith with Muslims, we need some basic attitudes and foundational knowledge. We are called to be ambassadors for Christ, to be loving, which means that we also show respect. We are called to be friendly, to create a friendly environment when sharing about Jesus instead of arguing or criticizing. We then seek to use bridges to help move Muslims to understand key truths about Jesus. Finally, our approach must be Bible-based, drawing on the power of God's Word. As we focus on these principles and examine how Christ spoke to those who did not know him, we can gain insight for our own communication and learn to build more effective bridges to the Gospel.

Loving Muslims in an Age of Terrorism (Part 2) - The Quran, Islam and the Gospel

Fouad Masri
Hebrews 1:1-2

As we understand God's call to share his love with those he abundantly wants to give to, we seek to understand the faith of these very people. This workshop outlines the key beliefs of Islam from the person of Muhammad, the Qur'an and the Hadith, the way to heaven, and the pillars of the Islamic faith. After describing some similarities between Islam and Christianity, the focus shifts to the key differences that are essential in helping bridge Muslims to the Gospel of Jesus.

Loving Muslims in an Age of Terrorism (Part 1) - Violence and Hope in the Middle East

Fouad Masri
Matthew 28:18-29

In an age of terrorism, many questions emerge about the Islamic faith. There are vast numbers of Muslims in our world today, and we should seek both to understand their faith as well as to share the love of Christ with them, rather than drawing back in response to violence that may be displayed in the media. This workshop explores the Islamic concept of jihad and its relation with terrorism, as well as other key beliefs of Islam. God is at work in the Muslim world, and we can participate in Christ's mission here.

Jewish Eschatology

Eric Chabot
Matthew 28:18-29

The Bible is a Jewish book that speaks of God's redemptive plan - the coming of the Jewish Messiah for the benefit of his people and the entire world. Christians should look to the following questions to impact their view of eschatology: 1) What did the Jewish people believe about eschatology at the time of Jesus? 2) What was the role of the Jewish Messiah and the end of the world? 3) What does the Old Testament teach about eschatology?