Prophecy - The Bible's Own Apologetic

Dennis McCallum

Predictive prophecy is an effective apologetic from and for the Bible. There are several key areas of prophecy to highlight: Old Testament typology, the lineage and chronology of the Messiah, historical events, and current fulfillment. Knowing prophecy is constructive to a Christian's faith and ability to defend the Bible.

Has Science Buried God?

John Lennox

John Lennox, Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University explains several important points in the great debate against science and God. One essential reality is that there is no divide between science and God. One can reasonably believe in both, as science in fact points toward God. Science, based in logic and reasoning and the belief that it can be understood in a rational way, actually is born from a belief in a God who has created the world and its laws of nature. As we become confident in this reality, we can sharpen our minds to critique some of these misconceptions so prevalent in our culture.

The Real Jesus (Part 2)

Jenny Hale
Matthew 11:4-6

As a continuation of a previous workshop discussing who the historical person of Jesus was, this second discussion explores whether Jesus really did perform miracles. First, we must determine whether what we read about Jesus and his miracles in the Bible are truly what the original authors wrote. Second, we must ask if Jesus really did perform miracles, and if so, why. Finally, the discussion expands outward to reflect on the supernatural universe that God has created and the possibility of divine intervention into our physical world.

Is Hell Divine Overkill?

James Rochford
Matthew 11:4-6

The doctrine of Hell is widely disputed amid Christian and Non-Christian circles alike, but it is important to take a closer look at what the Bible does and does not say on the subject. James Rochford, apologist, author, and Bible teacher, walks through a series of objections and their answers and ultimately offers a compelling explanation that lines up with the rest of biblical teaching.

Developing a Confident Faith

Mark Mittelberg
Matthew 11:4-6

Mark Mittelberg outlines six different faith paths, or approaches, that people use to decide what to put their faith in. The first is the relativistic path, that truth is what you make it and it is personal. The second is the traditional path, that truth is what you've always been taught. Others follow the authoritarian path, that truth is what you've been told to believe. The intuitive path is rooted in truth being what your feel in your heart, similar to the mystical path where truth is what you think God has told you. Finally, there is the evidential path, that truth is what logic and evidence point to. Mittelberg presents a brief list of several examples of the evidence pointing to Christianity.

Apologetics for Regular People

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 1:16

Not all believers are engaged in regular debates with highly educated scholars and experts. But what is the role of apologetics for those other "regular" people? Apologetics serve to strengthen Christians' faith and help us in our evangelism. Not only verbal but also lifestyle apologetics aid our evangelism, as we live in such a way that helps others see something different and attractive in us and our community. Therefore, we should make an effort to become equipped with and utilize apologetics in our Christian faith.

Questions Christians Hope No One Will Ask

Mark Mittelberg
2 Corinthians 10:4-5

There are many difficult topics and questions that people have about God and Christianity. As Christians, we are called to be able to discuss these things and refute arguments that are raised up against God. So often, when we are able to minimize intellectual roadblocks that people have, it opens the door for them to be able to seriously consider the Gospel.

The Problem of Evil

James Rochford
2 Corinthians 10:4-5

The problem of evil is not just a problem that Christians must answer but that everyone must. Who or what will take responsibility for the undeniable fact that suffering is present in the world? God, through the Bible, offers not only reasonable answers but true peace amidst a broken world.

Skeptic's Challenge

Doug Pollock
1 Peter 3:15

After showing a video clip of an atheist questioning a Christian, Christian speaker Doug Pollock invites members of the audience to provide their own feedback of the discussion. Following this, several proclaimed atheist guests take the stage to act as a panel. Pollock invites them to explain some of their backgrounds, issues with faith, and insights into their world views. After the panel presentation, members of the audience are invited to ask questions of them as well.