A New Temple

Chris Hearty
Ephesians 2:11-22

Paul reminds the gentiles that they were once separated from God, but have been reconciled through Christ. There is now no separation between the Jews and gentiles, or between a believer and Christ.

Loving Your Enemies

Clive Calver
Ruth Calver
Ephesians 2:11-22

For Jesus' followers there is no getting around the often difficult command to love our enemies. It can be very difficult, but is the hallmark of the Christian faith. Dr. Calver and his wife gives 10 practical tips for succeeding at this call, including putting yourself in their shoes, working to accept them as they are, finding something in them to love, and reaching out to them with the gospel.

Becoming Who We Are

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 1:1-11

Once we are baptized into Christ, we receive all the spiritual blessings in the heavenly places. Although our present condition does not seem to be much different, our condition has radically changed for the better. We can now see ourselves in Christ and no longer focused on performance. We are now secure, motivated and unafraid.

The Beneficial Results of Justification

Ben Foust
Romans 5:1-11

When we ask God to forgive our sins because of the work Jesus did on the cross, we are justified by faith. If the forgiveness of our sins was all we received at that moment, it would be more than enough! But justification is only the beginning of the many blessings God pours out upon us. He get peace with God, not just an end to hostility, but true reconciliation. We get the hope of future glory and so much more!

Three Essential Elements of Christian Unity

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 1:27-2:2

Three essential elements of Christian unity are we have a common relationship with Jesus, a common source of truth, and a common mission. We are not united by a common membership in the same human organization but we have a common love relationship with Jesus through His Spirit who directs us into truth and His purpose for us.

Guarding and Sharing the Treasure

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 1:8-14

Paul exhorts Timothy to the treasure which had been entrusted to him. The treasure is the biblical truths Paul has been teaching him. Paul wants him to teach what the Bible teaches and emphasize what it emphasizes. Every believer has also been entrusted with these treasures. Truths like grace need to be guarded. The best way to guard the truth is to entrust it to many others. This is why discipleship is serious business.

Christ Our Savior

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:12-22

This passage summarizes in a nutshell the entire story of the Bible. It encapsulates who Christ is and what he has done as King, Creator and Redeemer. As King, he has enabled fallen man to be transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of the Son. As Redeemer, he has reconciled us by paying the debt we could never pay. As Creator, he is the source of regeneration from death into life, a new life.

God's Eternal Kingdom Part 4

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 22:13-21

In the final chapter of Revelation, God comes full circle. He restores what was lost in the garden of Eden. He restores life where there was death. He restores our separation from God, from self and from nature. All ills will be healed. We will have direct access to God and eternal life. We will co-rule with God. God has always had a plan and all problems will be resolved. He promises he is coming quickly. Do you believe it?

Jesus and Simon Peter

Ben Foust
John 21:1-17

Peter's three-fold denial of Jesus was a failure of faith. As fallen humans, we over-estimate the strength of our intentions and faithfulness. Jesus anticipates our failures but has a vision for us beyond our failures. He forgives our failures and restores us relationally. He refines our character through our failures and redeems our failures.